Fake But Believable


Fake But Believable

Yeah, this is originally from The Babylon Bee, which is a satire site much in a similar vein to The Onion and Duffel Blog. It’s sadly believable though. The sorts running Hollywood are the sorts who would do something like stripping Schindler’s List of its Best Motion Picture award for not having enough LGBTQ+ characters, people of color, and other “oppressed groups.”

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We Got Your 6, Elmer

We Got Your 6, Elmer
We Got Your 6, Elmer

Amazing! After a fairly long hiatus since the last, not so well thought out attempt, they’re bringing back some Loony Tunes characters, specifically Elmer Fudd and Yosemite Sam. Of course, Hollywood being Hollywood, they’ve decided to do so utterly without firearms … Because, you know, “gun violence” and firearms send the wrong message to the kiddies 🙄

Yep! They’re bringing back a hunter and crazed gunslinger/cowboy, but without guns, which makes so much sense.

But don’t be concerned. The executive producer and showrunner, Peter Browngardt made it clear that the new shorts will be filled to the brim with that Olde Time Loony Tunes violence and mayhem … but no guns.

“We’re not doing guns,” executive producer and showrunner Peter Browngardt said in an interview with The New York Times.

“But we can do cartoony violence — TNT, the Acme stuff. All that was kind of grandfathered in.”In a short titled “Dynamite Dance,” Fudd uses a scythe as he chases his nemesis Bugs Bunny. Bugs Bunny responds by using explosives to blow Fudd up multiple times.

So, maybe a mashup with some Peanuts characters are in order. After all, Mr. Schulz was never afraid to go against the ideas of studio execs.

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American Zombies

We’re Loyal American Zombies

According to foreign born, Socialist, Hollywood has-been, Jim Carrie we’re just “Loyal Zombies” if we support our People, our Culture, our Nation, and our President. But then, all this Leftist grifter is adding another slur to Bitter Clingers, Deplorables and Dregs; he’s not really doing anything new, just riffing on the normal attitude our domestic enemies have towards American patriots and the country we love and that they love to hate.

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Blaming Trump

Blaming Trump
Blaming Trump

Honestly, the Hollywood is going, I’m a bit surprised that they didn’t add in some, at least tacit, blaming of President Trump for Michael Myers in the latest iteration of the Halloween movie franchise.

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We’re With Her

We're With Her
We’re With Her

Honestly, I’d probably let it go but old Hillary keeps setting her raggedy self up in any glass house that she can find and throwing stones at President Trump and the American people. The hypocrisy of Hillary, or any Democrat really, making accusations against President Trump or making claims about “rape culture” is too great to be ignored or excused.

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