Good Muslims

In my rarely humble opinion, it’s a sad thing that the majority of people don’t believe that there’s any such thing as “Good Muslims.” This is patently untrue; both the world and history are filled with literally billions of good Muslims, Muslims who neither claim nor offense and who commit no acts of evil and/or savagery in their name of either their God or their Pedophile Prophet.

The World Is Filled With Good Muslims

It is simply the duty of Man to purge the evil and bring out the good in the Muslim population, not in the manner of war but in the manner of supporting the public health. 😉

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Obama’s Madder Than Hell

Obama’s calm and aloof demeanor has been breached. The scandal over the VA’s deadly malfeasance in delaying – and potentially denying – deserving veterans timely care has the boy madder than Hell.

Obama Screaming
Obama’s Madder Than Hell

Yeah, the filthy piece of shit is madder than Hell that this scandal broke while he was still in office and in an election year. Aside from that, there’s no evidence that he gives a rat’s – or Moochelle’s – ass about American veterans dying from being betrayed by the VA hospital system.

Veterans Affairs officials warned the Obama-Biden transition team in the weeks after the 2008 presidential election that the department shouldn’t trust the wait times that its facilities were reporting. In other words, the boy was told of this problem more than five years ago, before he even officially took office. Yet, in all those years, he did nothing.

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The Axis Of Evil

For years now we’ve heard of the Axis of Evil and, while the specifics have changed, what hasn’t changed is that it always refers to nations. This, in my considered opinion, is flawed and sloppy thinking – useful for galvanizing the people but not suited to being a basis for policy.

Nations are neither good nor evil. Ideologies and people are good or evil.

A Venn chart showing the intersection of many evils
Democrats – The True Axis Of Evil

And there is no need to go afield to find such evil. Any American can merely look around him or herself to see it flourishing like some malevolent weed that is choking the light and life out of our society, culture, and nation.

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If We’re So Racist…

KKK American FlagHere’s an uncomfortable and difficult question – If we’re so racist, wasn’t it an act of either rampant evil or gross stupidity to install Barack Obama as POTUS during a time when America and its government absolutely had to pull together?

Put aside your ingrained knee-jerk reaction and actually think about that question for a moment or two or, hopefully, a bit longer.

If America truly is such a racist country and that racism is wholly and solely a “White Problem,” what was anyone thinking by putting a Black man in the White House during a national crisis? If the Liberals, Progressives, and Blacks are right about the American people they had to know that no good would come from such an act, that Obama would accomplish nothing while in office, and that this would further imperil our nation.

If we accept their postulate – though we know the danger of such postulates – that any and all dissent against Obama is because Americans just can’t stand the thought of a Black man as POTUS, then the only question left is whether or not the Liberals, Progressives, and Blacks installed Obama with the full expectation of his being balked at every turn due to racism.

If they knew in their hearts that this would happen, then it was an overt act of evil on their part. It would have to be classed an attempt to destroy America. If, on the other hand, they thought that things wouldn’t go that way and that Obama would be allowed to do whatever he wanted while in office, they were just stupid.

Either way, evil or stupid, if the Liberals, Progressives, and Blacks are right about America being a racist nation, their voting for Obama in 2008 was not done with the best interests of America in mind. That’s something that they really can’t get around or make excuses for.

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Reciprocal Engine

ReciprocityI have posted before about the ethics of reciprocity – the “Golden Rule” – as have others that I know online, which is not surprising since this Golden Rule seems fundamental to almost all ethical thought, philosophies, and religions.

The question arises though of whether we’ve all failed to fully grasp and internalize both sides of this ethical equation.

Have we focused too much upon the primary action and not enough upon the reciprocal reaction? Have we also failed to recognize that it functions much as an engine, a natural law that we’ve placed too many “higher order” considerations upon?

Any of the variations of, “Do unto others as you would have others do unto you” may serve well as admonishment or exhortation to right behavior by people, but we seem to fail to connect it with, “As you sow, so shall you reap,” which common sense tell us must be the reciprocating side of this ethical equation.

The greatest problem this schism causes is the cognitive dissonance it causes is in those cases where the primary action was a negative or harmful one.  This causes both internal conflict and hampers effective mitigation of the negative or harmful effects of the primary actor’s actions.

If the theory of Reciprocal Ethics is true than it must be true in all its parts or be claimed false. Therefor, natural law would require that negative actions lead to similarly negative responses as a normal course of events and to break this cycle requires conscious decision to engage in an unnatural course of response which might very well, due to its unnaturalness, be misunderstood as weakness, vulnerability or surrender of the point in contention by the original actor.

Some few in the course of history have understood this, though with mixed results.

First they ignore you, then they ridicule you, then they fight you, then you win.

— Mahatma Gandhi (Disputed)

Gandhi, through his cult of personality and abetted by the nature and proclivities of the two cultures involved and the greater scope of world events, succeeded in breaking the natural laws of reciprocity and doing so in a manner that achieved his victory, India’s Independence from Britain.

Somewhere somebody must have some sense. Men must see that force begets force, hate begets hate, toughness begets toughness. And it is all a descending spiral, ultimately ending in destruction for all and everybody. Somebody must have sense enough and morality enough to cut off the chain of hate and the chain of evil in the universe. And you do that by love.

— Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.

MLK seemed to understand the basic equation of reciprocity but did not seem to understand that sense was not what was called for, since sense would lead people to follow the natural order of action and reciprocation. As can be seen by the largely unalleviated and unabated levels of racial angst and hatred among the Black population in America, despite the legal and pragmatic success of the Civil Rights Movement, Dr. King was largely unsuccessful in his prescription.

One has to accept the basic nature of the reciprocal engine that is the foundation of Reciprocal Ethics and fully understand the difficulties involved in convincing people to behave otherwise.

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