Extreme Disillusionment

A Key Sign Of Extreme Disillusionment Is Believing That There Is No Real Difference Between Republican And Democrat Candidates
A Key Sign Of Extreme Disillusionment

Those people who claim that voting doesn’t matter because the candidates and their respective parties are, at the end of the day, all going to act the same are simply expressing a key sign of the pathology of extreme disillusionment. These – can’t really call them fringers anymore, not after two runs of Bernie Sanders – sad ideological extremists just “aren’t well” and aren’t truly capable of processing reality in a more normative fashion and seem to respond solely to stimuli that the rest of us don’t see.

Now true, at some past points in history, these sorts did have some modicum of a point. A professional, establishment Republican was not fundamentally different from a professional, establishment Democrat. Once elected, both differed in behavior from the other only in priorities and rhetoric. Those times, however, have been over for quite a while – something that the Left’s pundits bemoan regularly enough that only the paranoid would dispute the truth of it.

Frankly, between the election of Donald Trump, a total political outsider, to the office of President and Bernie Sanders’ two almost-nominations – both blocked almost solely through machinations of the DNC – it’s more than clear that the sufferers of extreme disillusionment are not enjoying the same consensus reality as the rest of us.

Indeed, instead of sheep voting for either the wolf or the lion, it’s now two opposing flocks of sheep each trying to put their sheepdog into power, thereby gaining the grazing lands for themselves.

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Hillary’s Restraint

Hillary's Restraint
Hillary’s Restraint

Yeah, Ole’ Hillary is showing such “restraint” in not jumping into the 2020 Elections … not! The crazy old bitch is utterly, completely, and irrevocably delusional, as every slurred, ranting word that she screeches proves time and time again.

Of course, this is the same mad bitch who has claimed that both fellow Democrat, Tulsi Gabbard and Green Party member, Jill Stein are Russian Assets and are being used to split the vote in the election. 🙄 So, anything close to sane behavior cannot be expected from her.

Frankly, Hillary doesn’t need restraint. She needs to put in restraints and given comprehensive chemical and ECT treatment in some secure facility where she can no long present a danger to those around her.

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I Am Not A Crock!

Adam Schiff - I Am Not A Crock!
Adam Schiff – I Am Not A Crock!

In actuality, Adam Schiff may or may not be a crock. The choices are either that he’s delusional or that he is just another Democrat engaged in insurrection and a long-running and unprecedented attempted coup d’é·tat against Americans’ President, Donald Trump.

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The Incredible Mad Maxine

Maxine Waters - FindotThe incredible Mad Maxine Waters just doesn’t know when to shut her nasty hole. Nor does she seem to have even the basest understanding of her own jabbering, hooting, and hollering. Then, this is Mad Maxine we’re talking about. She has a long and sordid history of unacceptable, uncivilized, and violent public behavior and only a passing understanding of truth.

(In)Credible Death Threats

Ole’ Mad Maxine has also cancelled some of her speaking engagements because of alleged death threats, which is incredible… in the old, true sense of the word, i.e., not credible or believable. No, it’s very highly doubtful that there were any objectively credible threats made against Waters’ life. Much more likely is that this is just the jabbering of an aging Black attention whore whose delusions create or magnify threats to ridiculous levels. That is, of course, giving Mad Maxine the unearned privilege of believing that she actually believes whatever threats were made were credible and that this isn’t just more of her rabble-rousing and stoking the fires of civil unrest and insurrection.

Her Expected Hypocrisy

As both a Democrat and a Blacktivist, hypocrisy is to be expected from Waters. However, like most things involving this creature, Max Maxine dives deeper in the cesspit than most and then wallows in it. She has actually complained that she’s being harassed because Americans are calling her office and sending her official email account to voice their displeasure with her actions. This, after she openly and explicitly called for members of President Trumps administration to be terrorized and tacitly called for violence against them and their families.

A Surprisingly Total Lack Of Self-Awareness

And, in a surprising turn of events, Water’s issued a bit of bravado and defiance to her alleged – read as incredible and/or fantastic -  would-be executioners, “If you shoot me, you better shoot straight. There’s nothing like a wounded animal.” Yes, that’s right! A 79 year-old Black defiantly described herself as an animal. That, my fellow Americans, takes a lack of self-awareness and awareness of the “long and sordid” history of race relations in America that is surprising and truly incredible.


But of course, this is Mad Maxine Waters, who is in a political knife fight with Nancy Pelosi to be the face of the Democrat party in 2018 and beyond. And, frankly, Waters’ direct calls to persecute and terrorize Republicans and her more violent pathology – 3rd stage syphilis? – does sit better with much of that party’s constituencies than Nancy’s more dementia praecox-related insanity.

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Six Stages Of Grief

The 6 Stages Of Grief as expressed by Democrats
Six Stages Of Grief

Grief is a very powerful emotion, in practical terms it may well be the most powerful emotion experienced. It also the singularly most selfish emotion. Hence, why it seems to affect Liberals. Progressives, and the professional politicians they follow so extremely.

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