The Case For War

The Case For War In Ukraine
Both Russian And Ukrainian Women Are Gorgeous
The Case For War
(Click To Enlarge)

While I’m not in favor of the US entering into yet another “foreign adventure” that serves little to no point and certainly doesn’t defend or expand our People’s interests, much like Iran, there’s a solid case for war in Ukraine. Two cases actually, Russian and Ukrainian women. 😉

Just like Iran, though largely unlike both Iraq and Afghanistan, putting our troops on the ground in Ukraine to block the Russians would have some beautiful benefits to those troops and the genetic legacy of America as a whole. And, for those who are losing their minds right now, there was a reason why they passed the War Brides Act of 1945.

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The Perks Of War

With the probability of a war with Iran having greatly increased by Obama’s having negotiated a nuclear weapons program for them, I think it’s best to point out the silver lining of that dark cloud.

Iranian Babes - The true perks of war with Iran
Iranian Babes – The true perks of war with Iran

Yep! I’m talking about the numerous fine looking Iranian babes – and yes, gentlemen, Iran has a plethora of beauties – who would, as war brides, casual sexual partners, or the spoils of war for our soldiers, be a fine perk indeed and one with a lasting benefit.

If wet get enough of soldiers over there and into the better looking Iranian babes we can force true societal change upon Iran, giving them the choice of either adjusting the actions towards women and sex to better meat world standards or killing off the cream of their reproductive age women.

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Covered Beauty

Sometimes beauty is covered and thought to be hidden away from uncouth, unwanted, and strange eyes. This rarely works, for beauty will out and is much more often about how it is displayed rather than how much of it is so.

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Covered Beauty

On the downside, this tends to lead repressive cultures such as the Muslim World to enact even more stringent restrictions upon how women are allowed to dress. Saudi Arabia taking this to the logically correct – look at the images above! – but vile conclusion that even a woman’s eyes must be covered if they are deemed to be tempting.

On the upside, with war with various nations in the Mid-East – especially Iran – becoming more and more likely, there’s the benefit of Arab and Persian war brides. And yes, this is not only a benefit or upside, it’s the only truly good – evolutionarily speaking – reason for a foreign war.

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