Whoever will be free must make himself free. Freedom is no fairy gift to fall into a man’s lap. What is freedom? To have the will to be responsible for one’s self.
jonolan on New Client, New Problem: “😆 I’m always going to advocate for both. It be too hypocritical for me to do otherwise.” Sep 21, 07:03
Tyler, the Portly Politico on New Client, New Problem: “My top two from this exquisite collection: 1.) https://i0.wp.com/blog.jonolan.net/wp-content/uploads/sites/1/nggallery/need-new-shirts/08.jpg?ssl=1 2.) https://i0.wp.com/blog.jonolan.net/wp-content/uploads/sites/1/nggallery/need-new-shirts/12.jpg?ssl=1 I can’t figure out the winner! Tuscan bouffant or…” Sep 20, 18:59
jonolan on Bikini Interlude 92: “At the risk of poorly extrapolating your position, I’d say that you prefer a more natural, less worked at /…” Jul 28, 08:50
OK. Yeah; I laughed stupidly hard when I saw this. As someone who is not, and has not ever been successfully, monogamous, I find this really funny. The way it suborns the meme of monogamous people cheating on each other hits my humor just right.
This entry was posted on Monday, April 10th, 2023 at 6:38 am and is filed under Humor, Society.
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In the past I’ve made some sarcastic posts about DOMA and traditional aka biblical marriage. To continue in that vein here’s an instructional video by Betty Bowers on traditional marriage as defined by biblical precedent:
Betty Bowers on Traditional Marriage Per The Bible
Yes, the video is needlessly harsh, insulting, and sarcastic. It also uses some pretty far-fetched interpretation of biblical passages – e.g., there’s no theological basis for saying Eve seduced Cain; it’s far more likely that he took one of his unnamed in the Bible sisters to wife. That doesn’t, however, mean that it doesn’t contain a number of simple truths about what Yahweh supposed endorses by way of marriage.
Christians, you need to read your Bible; it is, after all, your holy book and, as such, more than worthy of individual study.
In it are many passages that show that Abraham’s God seemed to have little or no problem with many forms of marriage beyond “one man and one woman.” Indeed, nowhere’s in the Bible is monogamy ever explicitly described as a requirement or even the preferred choice.
Divorce, contrariwise, was expressly forbidden in both Old and New Testaments.
On the other hand, the Bible does maintain that same-sex marriage, along with a number of other acts now generally considered OK, is right out, forbidden, and an abomination to be treated with abhorrence and lethal violence.
Remember, God hates fags – though possibly not lesbians, multi-cropping / under-planting, poly-cotton blends, gaudy jewelry, and shellfish. 😛
So, my dear Christian sometimes-allies, have some fun with this if you can. Think a bit on it though; there’s truth buried in any bit of humor, elsewise it wouldn’t be funny.
This entry was posted on Monday, April 4th, 2011 at 7:49 am and is filed under Humor, Politics, Religion.
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