Why Sebelius Is Gone?

HHS Secretary Kathleen "Kill All You Want; We'll Fund More" Sebelius - She never heard of a fetus shedidn't want you to pay to murderDespite earlier promises to stay on the job until after the 2014 midterm elections, HHS Secretary Kathleen Sebelius has announced her resignation. Obama accepted Sebelius’s resignation earlier this week, and on Friday morning, nominated Sylvia Mathews Burwell, the director of the Office of Management and Budget, to replace her.

Supposedly, the resignation was Sebelius’ choice and wasn’t forced upon her by Obama or his handlers and overseers.

The question I have is how does Sebelius’ resignation benefit Obama and the Democrats.

I find it more than hard to believe that the White House or the DNC either forced or allowed Sebelius to leave her office without something to be gained from doing so. Yet, given the way they handled her resignation and the inherent issues in confirming her replacement, I can’t see how they’d benefit in the upcoming elections from doing this. So why is Sebelius gone?

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Terminating Sebelius

In the wake of the abject failure of Obama’s signature and singular “achievement,” ObamaCare there have been many calls for the termination of the person most responsible for this abomination, HHS Secretary Kathleen Sebelius. After all, she was the one that was given authority over- and responsibility for the roll-out of ObamaCare’s insurance exchange web application’s deployment and it was on her watch that it utterly failed, leaving American legally bound to purchase health insurance but unable to do so through the federally mandated mechanism that was put in place to allow for that.

Sebelius’ response to these calls for her termination are, in concept, just what any American would expect from a key member of the Obama Regime. They are, however, far more arrogant and honest than is the rule for those people.

The majority of people calling for me to resign I would say are people who I don’t work for and who do not want this program to work in the first place.

— HHS Secretary, Kathleen Sebelius

That’s right! According to Sebelius she doesn’t work for the American people if they’re Republicans and, despite the plethora of anecdotal evidence to the contrary, it’s mostly, if not solely, the Republicans who are calling for her removal.

To all you various Liberals who’ve called for the removal of Sebelius over her failure to manage the implementation of Obama’s signature piece of legislation – welcome to the GOP! 😆

Of course this is coming from the worthless, irresponsible, arrogant, and autocratic bitch that told Congress that she’d testify before them about her failure only when and if she could fit them into her schedule, so allowances have to be apparently be made for her attitude and behavior.

Personally, I think that creatures like Sebelius are beyond salvaging and can’t learn proper behavior. You just can’t convince them that being a public servant means serving we, the People. Hence, her termination is the only proper course of action. In the case of Sebelius, however, it may become right and necessary to terminate her with extreme prejudice.

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No CLASS No Surprise

HHS Secretary Kathleen "Kill All You Want; We'll Fund More" Sebelius - She never heard of a fetus she didn't want you to pay to murderThe only two examples of class shown by the Obama Regime have been class warfare and the CLASS Act, that part of Obamacare which provided insurance coverage for home health-care options for adults who became disabled. Now it seems that there will only be class warfare as those who do Obama’s more subtle wetwork have decided to put an end to CLASS.

The CLASS Act (Community Living Assistance Services and Supports) program was canceled by Health and Human Services (HHS) Secretary Kathleen Sebelius after a failed 19-month effort to find a way to make it financially viable.

There’s no real surprise in this. CLASS was doomed to failure from the start for well known reasons.

In a letter to Congress, Sebelius wrote, “Despite our best analytical efforts, I do not see a viable path forward for CLASS implementation at this time.”

The CLASS program was similar to long-term care plans available in the private sector in which workers sign up and pay a monthly premium. It was voluntary and was to be paid for entirely by the premiums from those who signed up. In return, subscribers would get a daily benefit.

But a senior administration official told CNN that there were big questions whether CLASS could be self-sustaining even when the health care reform law was being considered by Congress. And as a result, lawmakers specified that the HHS secretary had to determine that the program would be sustainable for 75 years before certifying it.

Scott Spoerry, CNN Senior Producer

This outcome was well understood by all involved. CLASS’ savings were frontloaded and its costs were backloaded. Hence, in the first decade CLASS would have been a net budgetary saving and a viable program but after that – 2020 onwards – it would have become a budgetary center.

People have to understand that the Obama Regime never intended for the CLASS Act to actually go into effect, though I believe they’d have been perfectly happy if it had done so. It was nothing more than a cynical ploy to get public support for the rest of Obamacare and something that could be later used as bargaining chip if Obama and his Liberals remain as a credible threat in DC after 2012.

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Selling Fear & Loathing

As I’ve posted before, if Obama’s FDA and HHS were really trying to curtail smoking by Americans, the ads they’ve chosen will fail just as every previous attempt at social engineering of people’s habit through fear-mongering have failed.

Anti-Smoking Ad

On the other hand, disgust and loathing work better than fear in almost all cases. It’s just a matter of marketing. 😉

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Graphic Propaganda

Americans need to put a stop, by any and means necessary, to the encroachment of the Nanny StateBeginning September 2012, Obama’s FDA will require larger, more prominent cigarette health warnings on all cigarette packaging. They claim that the introduction of these warnings is expected to lower medical costs, a necessity if ObamaCare is not undone by the American courts and/or Congress.

It’s a just another of Obama’s many lies though.

It strains rational credulity to believe that this bit of fear-mongering will work any better than any of the plethora of such campaigns have worked in the past. It strains rational credulity past the breaking point to think that Obama and his appointees in the FDA and HHS don’t know this fact.

Obama’s Nanny State Fear-Mongering
Because This Has Worked So Well Before…

It well might meet Obama’s and his Liberals’ true goals though – the further destruction of the economy of the South where the vast majority of America’s tobacco is grown and processed. After all, these are historically red states and the Liberals’ best hope is to crush their economies in order to either cause people to leave or be shackled by government subsistence level hand-outs.

The placement requirements for this propaganda make their goal of brand destruction and impeding sales quite clear:

  1. On the top 50 percent of both the front and rear panels of each cigarette package.
  2. In the upper portion of each cigarette advertisement, occupying at least 20 percent of the area of the advertisement.

The actual, and I believe planned, effect of Obama’s FDA’s new cigarette label regulations will be to make it harder for smokers and retailers to swiftly identify brands and types of cigarettes at the time of sale.

FDA Approved Cigarette Display
Now Where’s My Cigarettes?

Such backhanded tactics by Obama and his sort don’t actually sink to the legal definition of a prior restraint, but they do certainly approach the functional level of such due to the added aggravation and time such labeling regulations will cause both shoppers and retailers.

These delays will also aggravate others waiting in the check-out lines, a bit of social engineering designed to further vilify and isolate American smokers that I’m sure is part and parcel of the Liberals’ plan.

Of course, if this goes like ObamaCare has so far, Newports and Kools will be given exemptions due to the “disproportion impact” upon Blacks, i.e., trusted Democrat sharecroppers voters.

The warning ads are useless, graphic propaganda that will be, like all other such things, ignored by the majority. The placement requirements, however, will do much to further Obama’s real goals, which is something for every man and woman in the southern states to remember as we approach the 2012 elections.


Keep your eyes open. Travel light but load heavy, and always put another round in the enemy after they’re down. 😉

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