E Pluribus Unum
People need to remember that it is E Pluribus Unum (out of many, one), not Ex Omnibus Unum (out of all, one). There will always be some that do not become part of the one, mostly because they refuse to do so.
That’s the truth that the Liberals, Progressives, and the minorities they pander to refuse to accept. One has to become part of the one.
No, instead the Liberals, Progressives, and the minorities they pander would declaim this fact as racist, nationalist, xenophobic, and evil. This is, I think, largely because they don’t want there to be a “one” and certainly won’t tolerate it happening or anyone who wishes it to do so.
That’s the horrific thing. These oikophobic Leftists and their minority tenants may love to rant and whine about “inclusiveness” and “diversity” but they’ve willfully created an unholy synergy between these two concepts that is nothing but an attempt to dilute and dissolve America. They don’t want to make one out of many.
Tags: America | Assimilation | Blacks | Cultural Genocide | Culture | Divisiveness | Exilicism | Immigration | Inclusivity | Language & Idiom | Liberals | Oikophobia | Politics | Progressives | Society | Whites