Fight Your Demons?

Fight Your Demons? Nah!
Fight Your Demons? Why Do That?

It’s such a common, trite, refrain; fight your demons. Personally, I don’t see much reason to fight them.

There’s Better Ways To Handle Your Demons 😉

Yeah no. I, for one, would much rather reach a mutually satisfying arrangement with my demons. I mean, aside from the obvious benefits of doing so, they’ve always been there for me, even when everyone else left.

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Devil’s Padawan

Devil's Padawan
Devil’s Padawan

You have much to learn, my Padawan. First, know that Hell hath no fury like a nerd scorned or bullied. 😉

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It’s Not All Demonic Sex

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It’s Not All Demonic Sex

Despite the historical belief that witches summon demons and devils for lascivious reasons, it’s not, and never has been, all about demonic sex. 😉

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True To Its Nature

Obama Demon
Obama – True To Its Nature

Again, we cannot blame Obama for being what it is. Like all things, the boy has little or no choice but to be as true to its nature as the Scorpion was. Hence, when the Liberals, Progressives, and their minority tenants summoned some base demon from the bowels of Hell, that demon obeyed its nature and was true to it self.

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