Palliative At Best
I’m really not sure how many, measured in numbers or by percent of the population, Americans really believe that the ending of the Obama Regime will solve our nation’s problems. Frankly, I don’t want to know because it’d probably depress me too much.
Removing Obama Is Palliative At Best
The end of Obama is nothing more than palliative care for our sick nation. The boy can be described as either a symptom or an opportunist parasite infecting our weakened country. He’s not the underlying disease. At most he’s a secondary infection.
No. The disease plaguing America is a moral and cultural cancer. It’s tumors are the Liberals and Progressives whose oikophobia and moral turpitude have caused them to attack the basic cultural mores and norms of America. And, given that this cancer has metastasized, any treatment for America with a decent chance of success is going to be a harsh one akin to aggressive chemotherapy and radiation treatment combined with excising of diseased and dead tissues.
Tags: 2016 Elections | America | Cultural Mores | Cultural Norms | Disease | Disease Control | Liberals | Obama | Oikophobia | Politics | Progessives | Society
September 15th, 2015 at 9:23 pm
I kept trying to come up with a response, but you said all there is to say on the matter. You have to wonder what the future is. The damage Obama has done will be difficult to overcome. His followers are not ready to admit they screwed up. Until many of those who voted for him recognize their mistake, I don’t know there are enough others to heal the country.