Some Needed Perspective
As horrific and devastating to the collective American consciousness as the Muslim Terrorist attacks of 9/11/01 were, we as a people would benefit from some needed perspective.
911 v Iran Nuke Deal – Some Needed Perspective
Those attacks, while tragic and inhumanly vile, are but a blip in history when compared to what can and most likely will happen in the future thanks to Obama’s decision to negotiate for Iran to be able to develop nuclear weapons.
So yes, always remember what the Muslim vermin did on 9/11 but realize that you and children will one day probably think of it as the “good old days” unless we commit to dealing harshly with the Muslim threat both here and abroad.
Tags: Al-Qaeda | America | History | Iran | Islam | Jihad | Muslims | Nuclear Weapons | Obama | Politics | Terrorism | Terrorists | War | WMDs