Crime Pays Now

Social Justice - Stealing from Whites to give to non-WhitesAs all Americans know – or bloody well should know by this point – Liberals and Progressives, the bulk of those supporting Democrat politicians with money and votes, hate history except when that history or the careful revision of it can pain Americans, especially Whites, in a bad light. Hence, it’s not too shocking that our domestic enemies have openly rejected the historical adage, “Crime doesn’t pay.”

Indeed, our domestic enemies have, instead, embraced the exact opposite of this truism. Now, if the verminous perp is of the correctly protected persuasion, crime does in fact pay. It does, at least in Richmond, CA where the Democrats have decided to pay thugs not to kill people.

Whitey better pay up unless he wants more blood in the streets
It’d Sho Be A Shame If Sometin’ Happened Up In This Fly Town

Yes, you read that right; Richmond, CA is paying violent felons to refrain from committing further violent crimes … And other Democrat ruled municipalities are looking to do the same.

The odds were good that Lonnie Holmes, 21, would be the next person to kill or be killed in this working-class suburb north of San Francisco.

Four of his cousins had died in shootings. He was a passenger in a car involved in a drive-by shooting, police said. And he was arrested for carrying a loaded gun.

But when Holmes was released from prison last year, officials in this city offered something unusual to try to keep him alive: money. They began paying Holmes as much as $1,000 a month not to commit another gun crime.

I really don’t know whether it’s better to describe this as a setup for a Black run protection racket where the cities must pay thugs not to cause harm or as a case where a young thug’s first arrest and incarceration is an unpaid internship leading to a payed position.

They even have felons like the aforementioned Holmes “mentoring” other violent, ghetto thugs and operating in a “don’t snitch” manner while utilizing taxpayer-funded vehicles and drivers.

The mentors have coaxed inebriated teenagers threatening violence into city cars, not for a ride to jail but home to sleep it off — sometimes with loaded firearms still in their waistbands. The mentors have funded trips to South Africa, London and Mexico City for rival gang members in the hope that shared experiences and time away from the city streets would ease tensions and forge new connections.

And when the elaborate efforts at engagement fail, the mentors still pay those who pledge to improve, even when, like Holmes, they are caught with a gun, or worse — suspected of murder.

The city-paid mentors operate at a distance from police. To maintain the trust of the young men they’re guiding, mentors do not inform police of what they know about crimes committed. At least twice, that may have allowed suspected killers in the stipend program to evade responsibility for homicides.

Of course, this is such a perfect and perfectly Liberal plan that Democrats in Washington DC, Miami, Toledo, Baltimore and more than a dozen cities with significant ghetto and/or barrio populations are eager to replicate Richmond’s plan.

So it looks like crime does pay…if you’re in the right place and are the right sort of criminal.


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Paris vs. San Bernardino

Not only is the difference in the Liberals’ and Progressives’ blatantly obvious, their rationale and motives for that difference is very, very simple. In their minds America deserves to be attacked whereas France doesn’t.

France vs. USParis vs. San Bernardino

To Liberals and Progressives the only enemy is White Christians and Jews. No attack against them is a crime; if perpetrated by a Non-White or Non-Christian upon a White Christian, they consider it just reprisal. Everything else beyond that is rooted in this ideology and is an attempt by the Liberals and Progressives to take punitive action against White Christians and Jews.

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Teaching Race Matters

White bitch screaming, That's Racist!Most people in America can agree that educating our children is important. The issue in contention is what America’s school system has devolved and degenerated into since it was suborned by the perniciously anti-American and anti-White Liberals and Progressives. Our people’s domestic enemies’ preferred curricula, which has nothing at all to do with proper the learning of skills and citizenship, is grossly offensive to the majority of Americans.

Anti-White, Libtard Everett Middle School Principal Lena Van HarenSan Francisco’s Everett Middle School Principal Lena Van Haren is a perfect example of this. When the student body “failed” to elect a proper mix of races to top positions in the student government, Haren decided to withhold the election results in the name of diversity. Haren, another oikophobic, White Liberal, believes in teaching that race matters more than anything else, to the point of overriding the choices the students freely made.

Under pressure from parents and the district administration, Haren finally announced the election results Monday afternoon, going class to class with the information. Yet she swears she did the right thing as was trying to guarantee representation for underrepresented students.

“This is middle school. It’s not a presidential election,” she said. “It was not about hurting democracy or putting diversity over democracy.”

She said she wanted to wait until there was a plan — created with student input — to increase diversity among student leaders, perhaps by adding positions.

Of course, Haren’s opinion of the matter runs afoul of the facts at hand and demographics at Everett Middle School, a school in which Whites and Asians are the underrepresented minorities.

Source: Todd Trumbull / The Chronicle
Everett Middle School’s Student Race Demographics

It’s true, White, Asian and mixed-race students, who are each in the minority at the school, took the top four spots in the students – but only because the bulk of the primarily Hispanic student body voted for them over other candidates, assuming of course that there were candidates of other races.

Apparently Haren considers the Hispanic and Black students who voted for candidates of the “wrong” races to be Malinchistas and Uncle Toms and in desperate need of racial solidarity reeducation.

I think it’s safe to say that the American people have little to no use for a school system that will allow Haren’s sort to be employed within it, much less rise to a level of dangerous authority.

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Painted In Blood & Irony

During the morning of Tuesday, September 29, 2015 a street artist, identified by friends as Antonio Ramos, in Oakland, CA was gunned down and killed while working on a community art project, the Oakland Superheroes Mural Project which is a project sponsored by Oakland’s Attitudinal Healing Connection.

Straight Outta Oakland
Straight Outta Oakland – Painted In Blood & Irony

Yes, this is sad. Indeed, it approaches the level of tragedy. It should, however, have been an expected outcome. It’s not rational to believe that one can to empower individuals to be self-aware and inspired through arts, creativity and education, making positive choices to break the cycle of violence for themselves and their communities in the ghettos and barrios. Crime and depravity are too entrenched for such efforts to work at any meaningful level and too many of the population of those zones will actively work against such efforts.

At best, such civic minded entertainments should await comprehensive law enforcement purges of the ghettos and barrios before being attempted. Otherwise, the street art ends up, as in Mr. Ramos’ sad case, painted in blood and irony.

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Organized Hypocrisy

Big LaborTruly, there’s no hypocrisy quite like organized hypocrisy, as the Los Angeles, CA cells of the labor unions have just shown the world. After months of assaulting businesses that were against increasing the minimum wage to $15 /Hr, the Los Angeles County Federation of Labor — the local cell of the AFL-CIO — now, on the eve of LA’s adopting the increase, demands that union shops be exempted from the minimum wage increase.

While shocking in the arrogant overtness of these grifters’ demand, the demand for an escape clause for the unions is hardly shocking in its substance. While the ever-credulous “sheeple” have been gulled into believing that unions’ battles to raise the minimum wage are motivated by concern for low-income Americans, reasonable and more informed Americans know that it’s actually all about increasing the power and membership of the unions and, thereby, increasing the monies that they take from the workers now beholden to them.

Any such exemption would allow the unions greater strength when it comes to infiltrating various workplaces. They would be able to tell businesses such as fast food chains, hotels, and hospitals that if they agree to allowing the unions to take over the labor pool, their labor costs will be substantially lower because they will be forced by law to pay their unskilled workers the new, higher minimum wage.

Truly, there’s no hypocrisy quite like organized hypocrisy. Big Labor cares about its own coffers, not those of the workers.

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