They Honestly Believe This

They Honestly Believe This
They Honestly Believe That Fascism Can Be Justly Used To Suppress Fascism
They Honestly Believe This

It’s a saddening and maddening things that Steve Kelly’s political cartoon, while meant as sarcasm, is actually just the simple truth. The Left, now the mainstream of the Democrat party, honestly believes that they’re fighting fascism instead of bringing it about in America.

And far worse, it’s likely that the majority of the sorts that are part of- support, ally with, or generally agree with #Antifa and similar terrorist organizations are beyond redemption, recovery, or re-education. This is made even more likely due to the Democrats having normalized and mainstreamed their agenda and actions. Indeed, what was the “Far-Left” now seems to define the entirety of the Democrats’ platform.

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Squint! It’s Utopia

Squint! It's Utopia - You Just Have To Look Past Some Stuff like anarchy, riots, crime, and total chaos
Squint! It’s Utopia – You Just Have To Look Past Some Stuff

Sure, it’d seem like a utopia ,,, if you tipped your head and squinted or wore blinders so that you didn’t see all the chaos, crime, and race riots. A nation with little or no law enforcement isn’t a nation anymore; it’s just a dystopian anarchy with no real future, which may be what the Left and their Blacks want.

One thing though – while the cartoon describes the whole #DefundThePolice movement as a Far Left political position, it’s now the mainstream position of the Democrats.

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Supporting #BlackLivesMatter

Supporting #BlackLivesMatter
Supporting #BlackLivesMatter

Certain sorts within our nation’s borders do, will, and have gone to extreme lengths in supporting the ghetto thugs in #BlackLivesMatter. There is no act too low for them, nor is there anything that a Black can say or do, no matter how violent or how vile, that they won’t either endorse or excuse as “justified.”

No; the oikophobic Left is committed to “aiding and abetting” their Black allies before, during, and after the fact. Or, to use more appropriate terminology, they are committed to lending #BlackLivesMatters and similar insurrectionists with “material aid and comfort” in their war against America and the entirety of the White Race.

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Stop The Left!

Stop The Left! Stop The Mob!

We Americans must stop the Left and not be deterred from saving our families, people, culture, race, and nation from their evil.  This is especially true in the wake of their leadership’s endorsement of violence against our people. Hellfire! This is existentially true at this point.

But, what the GOP ad above implies – that we can stop the Left and their mobs through our votes – is wrong or, at least overly optimistic and incomplete. The Left, having decided to eschew civility in favor of violence, is not going to be stopped by ensuring that they’re not voted into office.  The Left will only be stopped by main force.

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The Left’s Contronym

The Left's Contronym: Tolerance
The Left’s Contronym: Tolerance

A contronym is a word that with two opposite meanings. It is also known as an autantonym. The Left’s most glaring contronym is “tolerance.” It’s also why the #WalkAway movement among Leftist, i.e., Likely Democrat voters, is a thing at all.

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