Chill Out, Brothers

Chill Out – He’s Got No Choice

OK, a lot of Americans are ranting about Biden’s hypocrisy over taking Airforce 1, then a large cavalcade of Full-sized SUVs to go to Massachusetts in order to deliver a speech in which he declared climate change an emergency. And promised/threatened to use executive action to fight climate change as any sort of legislation on the matter appears extremely unlikely to happen.

To these complaints I’m forced to say, “Chill out, Brothers and Sisters.” Biden, just like all the legitimately elected Presidents, has to take Airforce 1 for trips of this distance and has to travel overland in a large, armored, very heavy and gas-guzzling SUV along with a decent sized convoy of similar vehicle carrying his assign entourage and technicians, assistants, and security personnel. No President gets any real choice in this.

Yes, it’s extremely ironic. No, it isn’t worth ranting over. Nor is it hypocrisy, since he had no say in the matter and those that did really don’t give a fat, flying fuck about anything except their mission objective of not letting the POTUS get killed.

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Extreme Disillusionment

A Key Sign Of Extreme Disillusionment Is Believing That There Is No Real Difference Between Republican And Democrat Candidates
A Key Sign Of Extreme Disillusionment

Those people who claim that voting doesn’t matter because the candidates and their respective parties are, at the end of the day, all going to act the same are simply expressing a key sign of the pathology of extreme disillusionment. These – can’t really call them fringers anymore, not after two runs of Bernie Sanders – sad ideological extremists just “aren’t well” and aren’t truly capable of processing reality in a more normative fashion and seem to respond solely to stimuli that the rest of us don’t see.

Now true, at some past points in history, these sorts did have some modicum of a point. A professional, establishment Republican was not fundamentally different from a professional, establishment Democrat. Once elected, both differed in behavior from the other only in priorities and rhetoric. Those times, however, have been over for quite a while – something that the Left’s pundits bemoan regularly enough that only the paranoid would dispute the truth of it.

Frankly, between the election of Donald Trump, a total political outsider, to the office of President and Bernie Sanders’ two almost-nominations – both blocked almost solely through machinations of the DNC – it’s more than clear that the sufferers of extreme disillusionment are not enjoying the same consensus reality as the rest of us.

Indeed, instead of sheep voting for either the wolf or the lion, it’s now two opposing flocks of sheep each trying to put their sheepdog into power, thereby gaining the grazing lands for themselves.

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Barrett Confirmed!

Senate confirms Amy Coney Barrett as newest SCOTUS Justice
Amy Coney Barrett By Senate

The US Senate has confirms Amy Coney Barrett’s nomination to the SCOTUS. They did so in record time and, unsurprisingly in the extreme, without a single Democrat vote. This secures the safety and efficacy of the Supreme Court for decades to come.

To me, the most interesting and important part of this is that Barrett’s confirmation as a SCOTUS Justice is a critical event but is not truly news. Her confirmation and the timeliness of it were never in doubt. Nor was the total opposition to both by the Democrats, who were, are, and will continue to be seething over not being able to “Bork” her nomination.

Barrett’s confirmation is important to America’s future but that it happened and happened now is just another case of Republicans playing by the Democrats’ “rules” and beating them at their own game. It’s just another day in the death spiral of Congressional politics.

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Confirmation Bias

The Left's Violent Confirmation Bias
The Left’s Violent Confirmation Bias

Confirmation bias is a real thing. The Democrats just have an extreme case of it that presents in a specifically pernicious and destructive manner. Then, they are et al insane, some of them congenitally, so this is not shocking.

It is, however, just a sign of these degenerate times.

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2020 Ballot Sample

2020 Ballot Sample - Jobs (R) or Mobs (D)
2020 Ballot Sample

Sadly, this would be the most apt simplification of 2020 Elections’ ballots. It is going to come down to whether you’re going to vote for jobs and stable society or mobs and violent unrest.

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