Need A New Drug?

Need A New Drug?

Yeah, that’s about right. If Big Pharma decided to get into the medical marijuana marketspace – oh, and they will once a certain critical mass has been reached – this is so the type of television commercials we’d be seeing.

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Got It! Now What?

Got It! Now What?
Got It! Now What?

With incoming President Trump, the House having maintained it GOP majority 247:194, and the Senate being 52:48 weighted towards the Republicans the long chase to repeal the dysfunctional morass that is ObamaCare is over. We won and our Republican Representatives and Senators have taken the first steps towards repealing the ACA. But now what? In the last year Congress has moved beyond a blind call to repeal it to a somewhat more pragmatic drive to repeal and replace the ACA aka ObamaCare with something more in keeping with American culture and ideals, more sustainable moving forward, and less more in touch with the realities on the ground. But what will that look like and have any members of Congress actually put the work in to figure it out?

In some ways and in a very real sense victory is the greatest threat to success and any and all attempts to repeal and replace ObamaCare, especially when simultaneously dealing with the Lamestream Enemedia, are exemplars of this. Now that there is no real reason not to do so, Congress and, to a lesser extent, President Trump are going to actually have to do what they swore to do…and do it in a way that we, the People can support or, at least tolerate…and do it under the scrutiny and in the face of “journalists” who will do anything and say anything to spin such actions in the most negative light possible.

Frankly, I don’t envy them in the slightest. I do, however, hope but am not certain of their having been confident enough in the rebirth, renewal, and restoration of America that they actual believed they’d be in this position and that their calls for repealing – and now replacing – ObamaCare were somewhat more than a mindless chant to gain votes.

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The ObamaCare Formulary

ObamaCare Formulary
The ObamaCare Formulary

As Jonathan Gruber, the MIT economics professor, who aided the Obama Regime in crafting the “Affordable” Care ACT (ACA) aka ObamaCare, has said, the stupidity of the American Voter was the basis for getting the omnibus bill passed.

This bill was written in a tortured way to make sure CBO did not score the mandate as taxes. Lack of transparency is a huge political advantage. And basically, call it the ‘stupidity of the American voter’ or whatever, but basically that was really, really critical to getting the thing to pass.

— Jonathan Gruber

But then, the active ingredient of ObamaCare’s entirely formulary has always been stupidity. Of course, one could just as easily say that Obama’s entire existence, since Dunham spread her legs for a Kenyan Lothario who rutted Obama into her, was due to a regimen of daily doses of stupidity. 😉

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It’s Ebola Season

Gentlemen – and some number of you ladies – it’s cold, flu, and ebola season in the US.

Definitely Time For Check-Up
(Click to Enlarge)

The best course of action I can prescribe for you is to go to the doctor’s for a check-up. The right doc can relieve all your ills and stresses. 😛

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Did Obama Approve Ebola?

Consider this – Is it possible, given the near utter lack of safety measures or travel adjustments having been made by the Obama Regime in the wake of West Africa’s uncontrolled ebola epidemic, that Obama and his handlers and overseers actually wanted ebola to reach America?

Did Obama desire a containable domestic outbreak of ebola
Did Obama Want Ebola In The US

Yes, I know; that sounds like either paranoid hysteria or simple hyperbolic “red meat” thrown to my fellow Americans. It is neither. It is a reasoned question based upon Obama’s loyalties and cultural preconceptions, global realpolitik, and cold, hard technological and economic realities.

Obama’s Loyalties and Preconceptions

Obama has deep connections with and ties to Africa and Black Africans – genetic ties, familial ties, and religious ties. The latter being the result of his 20 years attendance of a Black Liberation Theology “church,” which holds the African Diaspora as a core tenet of faith. The boy is going to do whatever he can to lend aid and comfort to the African people and states suffering from ebola.

Obama was, irrespective of the geographic uncertainties of his birth, largely raised in the US and does seem to have the normal preconception that our science, technology, and initiative can rise to- and overcome any challenge if only we’re motivated to do so. Some of the more deadly errors in ObamaCare are direct evidence of this. However, the boy also believes that America is an inherently and systemically racist, lazy, and selfish, self-centered culture.

Hence, Obama desperately wants to save his brothers and sisters in Africa from ebola and believes that America has or can quickly develop the wherewithal to do so. However, he believes that it would be extremely difficult, perhaps impossible, to motivate America to do so so long as ebola is confined to Africa.

Global Realpolitik and Techno-Economic Realities

This particular strain of ebola spreads more effectively because it’s slower to show symptoms and slower to immobilize and then kill than previous strains.  Barring a total quarantine of the continent of Africa, which is a functional impossibility, we’re unlikely to contain it unless we can actually fight it on the ground as it were.

The only medicines that we have to actually treat ebola are experimental, expensive, and require significant technological support. They’re not suitable for transport to- or use in the ebola-ridden regions of Africa, though they are suited for use in the US.

Also, there’s a very significant political and social issues with testing experimental medicines on Blacks, especially poor, African Black villagers. Face it, there’s already large numbers of Blacktivists and Black radicals claiming that America developed ebola to eliminate or cull and contain Blacks in Africa.


So we have Obama personally wanting to save the Blacks in Africa from ebola and we have a vested, existential interest in doing so far beyond Obama’s personal feelings and loyalties. We also have the world’s most largest and advanced medical industry and experimental versions of both curatives and vaccines. Yet for a variety of reasons we cannot or will not bring these resources to bear in Africa where ebola is rampant.

Given all of the above, I do not think it is unreasonable for anyone to question whether Obama might have wanted and decided against taking comprehensive measures to prevent one or more small, presumed to be containable, ebola “outbreaks” in America.

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