AFDI Ads To Run In NYC

As of today, Monday, September 22, 2014 – after a much longer than it should ever have been legal battle – Pamela Geller’s American Freedom Defense Initiative (AFDI) has been allowed to purchase and place advertisements on a hundred buses and at two subway entrances in NYC.

AFDI Anti-Jihad Advertisements

New York City’s Metro Transit Authority (MTA) has refused to allow purchase and run the ads, despite having earlier allowed pro-Hamas, anti-Semites to be displayed, due to these ads being deemed offensive to Muslims and their supporters and enablers in the city. It took a federal court order for them to end their censorship and abide by Pamela Geller’s group’s Gods-given 1st Amendment rights.

Two Ways To Look At The MTA’s Censorship

  1. NYC’s MTA is just pro-Jihadi and acts to protect Muslims and promulgate their cult through silencing whatever forms of dissent from the Muslims’ intended Caliphate that they have the capacity to silence.

    This is a possible, given their earlier support of Hamas, but not probable primary cause for the MTA to attempt to silence the AFDI

  2. NYC’s MTA was just scared, displaying an unfortunate but entirely reasonable and reasoned fear of the Muslims’ response to such ads being on buses and in subway stops.

    Given the violent nature of Muslim outrage and the long history of Muslims attacking buses and subways, this seems a more probable reason for the MTA’s behavior.

In any event, whether it was the forces of Dhimmitude or the ever-more-common Heckler’s Veto which was defeated, freedom has beaten tyranny in NYC…this time…for now.

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Good Muslims

In my rarely humble opinion, it’s a sad thing that the majority of people don’t believe that there’s any such thing as “Good Muslims.” This is patently untrue; both the world and history are filled with literally billions of good Muslims, Muslims who neither claim nor offense and who commit no acts of evil and/or savagery in their name of either their God or their Pedophile Prophet.

The World Is Filled With Good Muslims

It is simply the duty of Man to purge the evil and bring out the good in the Muslim population, not in the manner of war but in the manner of supporting the public health. 😉

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What Riled ISIS?

ISIS – or is have they been re-branded as ISIL now? – seemed to come out of nowhere like a freak squawl, with similar destructive potential. That begs the question – what riled ISIS up and enabled them to set out on the road of Islamist, genocidal mania?

It's a Hornets' Nest, Boy, Not a Pinata
It’s a Hornets’ Nest, Boy, Not a Pinata

The answer is sadly both easy and predictable. What riled up these ragheaded, goat-fucking, vermin was Obama’s foreign policy “decision” involving Syria and the MENA region in general.

I suppose we have to cut The First Black POTUS some slack though. ISIS’ original name was Jamāʻat al-Tawḥīd wa-al-Jihād – “The Organization of Monotheism and Jihad” – so Obama may have thought they were community organizers or even a humanitarian organization when he supported and armed them against Bashar al-Assad.

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America The Mockable

Is there anyone left who still believes that the world is a safer place with Obama trying to rule over America and control our nation’s foreign policy? Given that the boy’s dangerous idiocy has turned America from being America the Beautiful and America the Strong to being America The Mockable, I don’t know how this can be the case…but I’m sure there’s still some cultists bitterly clinging to His dogma.

Yet this is what America suffers under the Obama Regimes “handling” of international diplomacy and foreign policy.

ISIS - Moochelle #BringBackOurHumvee
Even Jihadis Mock What They See As America

At this point even Jihadis like ISIS feel comfortable in mocking America’s titular leaders and, by proxy, America herself since the sad and horrific fact is that the Obama’s are the international face of American might and policy.

The Islamic State of Iraq and Syria (ISIS) has made a mockery of the U.S. first lady Michelle Obama through series of tweets accompanied by the hashtag: #bringbackourhumvee.

The militant group photo-shopped a popular image of Michelle carrying a sign that reads #bringbackourgirls, part of a global campaign to rescue 276 Nigerian school girls who were kidnapped by Boko Haram last month.

The #bringbackourhumvee tweets being shared by ISIS members and their supports on Twitter refer to American-made Humvees confiscated by the extremist militants in Iraq last week, the UK-based Daily Mail said.

Now #hastagerry is no more useful in the hands of Islamist vermin than it is in the hands of people, but it’s a sad day when these creatures can and do feel comfortable in mocking and goading America. It says a lot about the dangerous and abject failure that is the Obama Regime.

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Inducing Tolerance

Periodically, the Muslims try to build masjids where the American people don’t want them to. A classic example of that would be their callous and insensitive attempt to build one at Ground Zero. This invariably causes outrage and attempts, normally failed, to prevent these Islamic temples from being built.

Perhaps, we Americans should both show and induce a greater tolerance and not protest the Muslims building masjids wherever they wish to…

I am truly perplexed that so many of my friends are against another mosque being built in Toronto. I think it should be the goal of every Canadian to be tolerant regardless of their religious beliefs. Thus the mosque should be allowed, in an effort to promote tolerance.

That is why I also propose that two nightclubs be opened next door to the mosque, thereby promoting tolerance from within the mosque. We could call one of the clubs, which would be gay, “The Turban Cowboy”, and the other a topless bar called “You Mecca Me Hot.”

Next door should be a butcher shop that specializes in pork, and adjacent to that an open-pit barbecue pork restaurant, called “Iraq o’ Ribs.”

Across the street there could be a lingerie store called “Victoria Keeps Nothing Secret”, with sexy mannequins in the window modeling the goods.

Next door to the lingerie shop there would be room for an adult sex toy shop, “Koranal Knowledge”, its name in flashing neon lights, and on the other side a liquor store called “Morehammered.”

All of this would encourage Muslims to demonstrate the tolerance they demand of us, so their mosque issue would not be a problem for others

— Attributed to Jiggs McDonald

While the above was said sarcastic jest, it’s a great and legal idea. Instead of trying, without any legal basis, to prevent these Islamist centers from being built upon our soil, let’s exercise our own rights and privilege to build what we wish around them in order to forcibly induce tolerance – and a proper silence – in the cultist of the Religion of Peace. 😉

It’s a no-lose idea. The Muslims will either move out, be forced to show tolerance to “Infidels,” or will act out in a manner that gives Americans incontestable reason to burn the vermin out.

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