Get Back To The Gym!

Gentlemen, Get Back To The Gym!

It’s the very end of February – given that it’s leap year, it’s even a bit later – and you’ve probably cast your fitness resolution off by this time. So … Get back to the gym. You’re missing out on a whole lot!

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Proactive Motivation

Here’s Some Proactive Motivation For You All

If you’re like many Americans, you made a News Years resolution to improve your fitness and to work out or otherwise exercise more in 2018 than you had previously. Rather than waiting till the middle of February to provide you with some motivation to help you keep at it, I’ve decided to be proactive this year.

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Some Inspiration

Given that at the beginning of each new year many of us make various promises to ourselves – resolutions, if you will – to exercise more and, given that by this time our commitment to said resolutions are flagging, many of us need an injection of inspiration if we’re going to get over the hump and keep hitting the gym.

Some Possibly Needed Inspiration

So here, my friends and readers, is some inspiration to help you keep up with your workout regimen. Maybe you need it, maybe you don’t. In either case, I’m sure you’ll find benefit in it. 😛

And no! Lest those who know me and my professed predilections think that I’ve fallen to hypocrisy, I am well aware that these hardbodied babes more than likely merely present a better and healthier set of symptoms of the same mental disease that afflicts the fashion victims. Nor have my taste changed. I still prefer to live dangerously, with women of abundant and voluptuous curves.

Still though, there are many, many roads to beauty and these fine, fit, hardbodies are certainly fit for our lust and, as we all should know,  lust is a great motivator and, hence, a great source of inspiration.

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A Healthier Illness

Sadly, the ages of indoctrination and brainwashing by the multibillion dollar fashion and weight-loss cartels have driven a large percentage of the women in the world insane.

Perhaps fortunately, society has shifted enough in recent years that some number of women’s body image pathologies are presenting themselves in different, probably healthier ways.

Certainly A Healthier Illness

Don’t be mistaken; the women fixated on having a lean, strong, muscly, body suffer from the same societally induced mental illness as the skeletons dipped in wax that are more commonly favored by fashion and weight-loss cartels. Their symptoms are just presenting in a better and less physically damaging manner.

These fitness-obsessed babes will, however, tend to exhibit many of the same problematic behaviors than their skinnier sisters do when it comes to diet and fretting over their shape. That the exact details of their symptoms very from the previous norm doesn’t really change the fact that they’re “messes in dresses.”

Now, don’t get me wrong; this is a healthier version of this particular illness. It’s most certainly, to my mind, a more esthetically pleasing presentation thereof. It’s still the same mental illness though.

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Game Day

Game Day - Jamie Eason
Are You Ready For Game Day?

So, in America it this is the first day of the 2014 NFL regular season of football. Are you ready for game day? If you’re not, perhaps a glimpse at Jamie Eason will inspire you.

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