Hoarding Cosplayers

It’s Dragon*Con – Hoard Cosplayers Is OK

Another Dragon*Con and, hence, another long weekend with downtown Atlanta being beautified by bevies of Cosplay babes. And no, there’s no hoarding going on that I know of. I just couldn’t resist using it in the title… because Dragon*Con!

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Ready To Ride The Dragon

Geek Girls Are Ready To Ride The Dragon Again

It’s once again almost time for Dragon*Con. Most of the staff are already there or, like my women, en route to Atlanta and the con. Hence, there’s thousands and thousands of geek girls either also en route or diligently packing in preparation. Going to be a lot fun as usual. 😛

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Wrapping Up Dragon*Con

Wrapping Up Dragon*Con 2023

And so we – well, one of my wives and the crew she’s part of – wrap up another Dragon*Con. Honestly, while this is always a great achievement, I’m actually shocked at how well Dragon*Con respected itself after the panicdemic. So, since I started as I meant to finish, I’m finishing this with 54 more beautiful cosplay babes such as you might have seen at the con. Enjoy!

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Off To Dragon*Con

Off To Dragon*Con 2023

Another year and, hence, another Dragon*Con. Only one of my wives is working it this year though. But, in any event, enjoy the cosplay babes. They’re mine and a lot of the people’s favorite part of the con. 😉

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For Those At Home

With Dragon*Con being a hybrid convention these days – limited and restricted in-person attendance combined with a large a quite robust, all things being considered, virtual reach – here’s some beautiful ideas for those at home.

For Those At Home There Are More Clothing Choices

Yeah, just the clothing choices make it so that virtually attending Dragon*Con is A-OK. It might even be better in some ways than going in-person. 😉

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