A Bright Red Future

The American EagleIn many ways, due to America’s sheer size and population, the nation resembles an empire nearly so much as it does a traditional nation state. That’s not surprising, as each of the different regions have their own cultures and their own economic idiosyncrasies.

What’s interesting is how these joined yet disparate regions are currently fairing.

Forbes magazine has broke the US down into seven distinct regions in their article, “A Map Of America’s Future: Where Growth Will Be Over The Next Decade.” They even went so far as to describe these regions as separate nations.

One thing becomes clear upon researching this article – Both economic and population growth in these regions has a direct correlation with their overall political allegiances. Each region may have it’s own tastes, proclivities, resources and problems but their success or failure seems to break down into which ones are Conservative (RED) and which ones are Liberal (BLUE).

The Inland West

Allegiance: RED
Status: Growing

Over the past decade this region has enjoyed nearly 8% job growth, the strongest in the country, with the highest rate of STEM growth in the nation over the past decade. It has also enjoyed the most rapid population growth in the nation at 21%. Sadly, the western reaches of this region – the inland parts of Washington, Oregon and California – have not done as well due to being resource- and manufacturing-oriented economies within highly regulated, high-tax “blue states.”

The Great Plains

Allegiance: RED
Status: Growing

In the last decade, no region in America has displayed greater economic growth . Since the 2008 recession, it has posted the second-fastest job growth rate in the U.S., after the Inland West, and last year it led the country in employment growth. Its population  growth rate has been 14% over the past 10 years, a rate which is 40% above the national average, and is expected to expand a further 6% by 2023.

The Third Coast

Allegiance: RED
Status: Growing

Since 2001, its job base has expanded 7%, and it is projected to grow another 18% the coming decade. The population is also growing, both natural and through domestic immigration from other economic regions.

The Southeast Manufacturing Belt

Allegiance: RED
Status: Growing

The region is attracting large-scale investment from manufacturers from Germany, Japan, and South Korea and seeing a resultant financial boom.  Both due to birth rates and the migration of families, including immigrants, the population growth has been more than twice as fast since 2001 as in the Northeast, a trend that is projected continue in the next decade.

The Great Northeast

Allegiance: BLUE
Status: Shrinking

The region is financial strong, even today but the population is falling due to sustained domestic out-migration and the fact that it is the most child-free region outside the retirement hub of south Florida.

The Great Lakes

Allegiance: BLUE
Status: Shrinking

The region lost approx. 1,00,000 manufacturing jobs over the past 10 years, making it the only one of the seven economic regions to lose jobs overall during that period, though the pace of job loss has slowed.  It’s population is dwindling, with few people moving to the region and even fewer children being born.

The Left Coast

Allegiance: BLUE
Status: Shrinking

Financially limited but strong, this region boasts the highest percentage of workers in STEM professions – more than 50% above the national average – and the largest share of engineers in its workforce; however, high housing prices and density-centric land use policies are keeping people out of the region.  As a result the population is falling rapidly.

The results are almost disturbingly consistent. The four Conservative region are all experiencing economic and population growth, whereas each of the three Liberal regions are experiencing declining numbers. In both cases these a trends that are expected to continue and, possibly, accelerate over the next decade.

Given these numbers, the 2020 census may see a significant re-apportioning of both the members of the House of Representatives and the electoral votes among the 50 states. In both cases these changes would benefit Conservatives and damage Liberals.

Simply put, if this trend continues as expected and other variables don’t come into play, America can look forward to a bright, red future.

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Choose Wisely

Rape is a significant political point and one that both American and Liberal politicians and activists bring up with regularity. This regularity of use is the only point of commonality between these groups when it comes to anti-rape tips, advice, or proposed policies.

At least the opposing ideologies provide people a choice of methodologies in rape prevention.

Choose wisely when planning a rape
Choose Wisely – Stupidity Can Be Painful

So women should choose wisely in the advice that they accept. Choices have consequences and poor choices result in painful outcomes. Stupidity can and should be painful.

One does, however, have to wonder if the wold-be rapists will also choose wisely and develop a tendency towards attacking Liberal women. Risk aversion is a common thing among criminals of all sort. If so, America might actually derive some benefit from the actions of the animals by proving the stupidity and danger of Liberal ideas.

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The Politics Of Money

Big Smiley with SunglassesMoney, and the love for it, is the root of all politics. Truly! Money defines political ideology and underpins all political expression and identity.

If you want to keep your money, you’re probably a Conservative. If you want to take my money, you’re probably a Liberal. Finally, if you want to both keep your money and take mine, you’re probably a politician or lobbyist.

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Reverse The Parties

The hypocrisy of the Liberals and Progressives and that of their minority tenants is a thing of unholy proportions, yet it is something that is often overlooked or ignored, much as a longterm unpleasant odor is, after a while, ignored. Yet, all it takes for it to be brought back to our attention is someone completely unexpected mentioning it. Dr. Carol Swain of Vanderbilt University has done just that.

If the GOP was for abortion it'd be called a genocide upon Blacks
Dr. Swain Speaks Truth In Stark Black and White

The Liberals and Progressives, and the Democrat party which panders to- and represents them and the “Black Community” is the party of abortion, whereas Americans, more of than not mislabeled as Conservatives, and their party, the Republicans are usually quite strongly opposed to the wholesale extermination of the unborn.

Those who would decry the phrase, “wholesale extermination,” might be right. At over 1 million unborn babies being killed per annum, that’s beyond wholesale; it’s industrial scale infanticide.

The thing is though that abortion is largely a Black issue, not a White one. Black babies are killed in utero 4.8 times more often than the White babies. To put that in perspective, there are 477 aborted Black children per 1,000 Black live births as compared to only 9 aborted White babies per 1,000 White live births.

But, of course, it’s the Republican Party who are racist.

Reverse the political party in question. Can you imagine the hew and cry that would come from the Left and the ever-eager Black grievance-mongers if it were the Republicans advocating for the expansion and federal funding of a set of programs that was effectively culling the Black population by just under 48% per year? Dr. Swain is 100% accurate; genocide would be the kindest term used by America’s domestic enemies to describe the situation.

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Explaining Conservatism

thinking-apeExplaining Conservatism is actually easy. At its foundation Conservatism is a political philosophy predicated upon a person’s ability to differentiate between progress and change.

Sadly, it is useless and frustrating to attempt to explain it to Liberals because they cannot differentiate between progress and change. Trying to explain Conservatism to them is very much akin to trying to explain the color blue to a born-blind person.

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