Obama’s Blame Game

Pretty much every American knows that Obama is something of a “Playa” and many know what that leads to. What we sometimes forget is that the boy’s best game is the blame game.

Obama on Tuesday surrounded himself with firefighters and other first responders at the White House, where he said Republicans would be at fault if the spending reductions take effect and cost the jobs of emergency personnel. The campaign-style event marked the beginning of what aides described as an intensifying push to pressure Congress to postpone the cuts — or to blame Republicans in Congress if it doesn’t.

The petulant little grifter plays the blame game as only a Black can, but there are some holes in his game:

  1. Insofar as his followers are concerned, these are wasted words. The Left and their minority sharecroppers would blame the “Old White Men” of the GOP no matter what.
  2. Americans, when they here Obama jabber crap like this, just hear him shucking and jiving again and don’t bother themselves to give the boy the hand-out of lending him or his word credence.

Still, he plays the blame game quite well. We, the People just wish he’d get really pissed off and take his bat and ball and go “home” to some benighted Third World country where he could play Post-Colonial leader instead of trying to turn our country into one.

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Political Theater

With the elections over, it’s time to move on to the next season of political theater in America.

Fiscal Cliff Starring Oblahblah
Fiscal Cliff Starring Oblahblah

The only problem is that first big ticket of the season is The Fiscal Cliff and nobody is sure whether it’s a Black Comedy or a Disaster Flick. The only thing anyone seems sure of is, since it’s starring Obama, it’ll be long on dialog and very short on action.

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Fuck The Law

OBAMA-BACK-TO-THE-GHETTOAs all American know, the narcissistic little boy currently fouling our capital doesn’t care for- or about our laws except when he can’t find a way of breaking them with impunity. It’s bold, even for Obama though, to flout them so openly as he’s just done.

Perhaps fear and desperation have caused him to decompensate, or he’s just returned to his roots.

It’s a bold move for Obama to tell various military contractors not to abide by the WARN Act, signed into law by President George H.W. Bush in 1989, and notify their employees of pending layoffs until after the November elections.

“We assume because it’s the law that it will occur,” Hicks says. “But the implementation of it is not necessarily going to take place on the second of January. It’s likely to unfold over a longer period of time, which gives us the latitude to wait.” Lockheed Martin has come to the same conclusion.

The decisions followed reassurances from the Obama administration that these cuts are not unavoidable. After all, Congress can decide at any time to come to a budget agreement, and toss out those automatic cuts known as sequestration. In addition, some defense jobs rely on ongoing contracts that won’t be affected — not right away, at least.

For those reasons, the White House said, the defense industry doesn’t have to send out notices under a law called the WARN Act, which is supposed to help workers prepare for layoffs.

What it really comes down to is that Obama told these companies to “fuck the law” and do it his way so as to cover his worthless, grifting, ass until after the 2012 elections are over. The boy knows that massive layoffs would hurt his chances and a little thing like the law of the land isn’t going to stand in his way.

Funny, in 2007 when President Bush Jr. was in office, Obama wanted the WARN Act notices extended from 60 to 90 days before reasonably foreseeable layoffs. How the worm has turned.

That’s not surprising though. What are the jobs of 2 million Americans is comparison to the boy’s own job? It’s not as if the filth has ever shown any concern for the American worker except to try to finagle their votes and campaign contributions.

Approximately 2 million jobs might be axed if Congress does nothing to prevent sequestration’s mandatory budget cuts from taking effect Jan. 2, 2013, according to a Sept. 24, 2012, letter to U.S. Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid, D-Nev., and U.S. Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell, R-Ky., from a bipartisan group of senators. Sen. Carl Levin, D-Mich., Sen. John McCain, R-Ariz., Sen. Jeanne Shaheen, D-N.H., Sen. Sheldon Whitehouse, D-R.I., Sen. Kelly Ayotte, R-N.H., and Graham noted that a million of these jobs—many of which would be with federal contractors—would be due to DOD cuts.

There’s no pressing need to manage that or to inform those Americans in timely and legally required manner of the upcoming changes in their circumstances.  They’re not entitled to such consideration if extending it hampers the Campaigner-in-Chief’s goals or his whore’s taxpayer funded lifestyle.

In any even though, the companies affected by this won’t be harmed if they follow Obama’s command. The boy’s already promised to use our tax dollars to reimburse for any costs they incur by doing so.

If sequestration occurs and results in plant closings or mass layoffs, then any resulting costs for WARN Act liability, as well as attorney’s fees and litigation costs would qualify as costs covered by the contracting agency, the OMB specified.

But then, that’s Obama for you. The vermin does whatever he wants that he thinks he can get away with or shuck and jive his ass out of the consequences resulting from doing  and then get the American people to pick up the tab.


Keep your eyes open. Travel light but load heavy, and always put another round in the enemy after they’re down. Remember that the law is meant to protect Americans, not our enemies or their crotch-droppings.

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Budgetary Bullshit

In the wake of Mitt Romney’s choosing a Rep. Paul Ryan (R-WI) as his Vice Presidential candidate and running mate the Liberals and Progressives have rekindled their rantings about Rep. Ryan’s federal budget proposal, commonly called, the Ryan budget, Ryan plan, Ryan proposal, etc.

This budgetary bullshit that the Leftists are engaging in is absolutely pathetic. It’d be laughable if they and their boy, Obama weren’t such clear and present dangers to America.

Budget Comparison

Paul Ryan




What America’s domestic enemies don’t want to mention and certainly don’t want to accept is that, of the two individuals, only Rep. Ryan has crafted a proposed federal budget plan of any worth at all. Obama has, as he has done in all matters of substance, failed utterly in this part of his Presidential duties.

Rep. Ryan’s budget gained 218 votes in the House, passing 218-191, and 41 votes in the Senate, failing 41-58.

Obama budgets have twice failed to garner a single vote in either the House or Senate and it has reached the point where Sen. Harry Reid refuses to even bring Obama’s latest attempt up for a vote.

So, if and when you strip away all the Leftists’ bullshit, Ryan has submitted a valid budget proposal whereas Obama has consistently failed to do so, drafting instead plans so heinous and stupid that not even one single Democrat – not even the jabbering, blacktivist fools in the Congressional Black Caucus – would vote for it.

Tell the filth that we, as Americans, are duty-bound to fight by any and all means to stick that in their craws and choke on it.

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Obama’s Wasteful Budget

So, about a week late under the law, Obama has submitted his 2013 budget to Congress. It is, as was expected, nothing but a taxpayer-funded sheaf of empty campaign rhetoric and lies based upon pandering to Leftist populism and class warfare.

Summing Up Obama’s 2013 Budget

Unlike a lot of other people I’m not going to bother dissecting Obama’s budget because I’m not going waste my time pretending that it is anything but more useless jabbering from the Campaigner-in-Chief.

Senate Majority Leader, Harry Reid (D-NV) has indicated he does not plan to send Obama’s 2013 budget, or any budget, to the floor for a vote, claiming that the summer’s Budget Control Act includes funding for the next two years of government operation.

We do not need to bring a budget to the floor this year — it’s done, we don’t need to do it.

— Sen. Harry Reid

Really! What’s the point of stretching out Obama’s “free advertising” by treating his “budget proposal” as if it held any meaning? I, for one, do not choose to lend such aid and comfort to America’s enemies.

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