MSM’s Murder Cheatsheet

The “journalists” employed by the MSM aren’t usually the brightest bulb on the porch and, as such, they need easy to use and refer to cheatsheets in order to make sure that they adhere to the proper story line in the event of them encountering a newsworthy event such as a murder committed with the use of a firearm.

MSM's Murder CheatsheetMSM’s Murder Cheatsheet

Of course, one must always remember that, insofar as the Lamestream Media is concerned, a murder can only be about race if it’s a White – or someone “White Enough,” e.g., a “White Hispanic” – killing a non-White, preferably a Black. The only exception to that is if the story could be spun to blame “White Supremacy” or “Systemic Racism” for the non-White’s crime, e.g., any and every example of Black race riots and looting sprees.

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This Is How You Win

There always seems to be a plethora of questions about how one can win. Indeed, there are whole industries profiteering off of it. The answer is so simple though…

This Is How You Win

That’s the answer. Just as Heather Dorniden did, you get up after you’ve fallen – or have been tripped – and you run faster, try harder. This is how you win, whether it is in sports or life.

What you don’t do is: expect the race to halted and restarted; for any of your competitors to help you up; or to just lay there and blame various and sundry other people, groups, organizations, or whole cultures for your having fallen down in some fashion – even in those rare occurrences when they are to blame for it.

Sadly, this is lesson rarely taught anymore. Instead being a victim is what is taught along with blamecasting whenever one doesn’t achieve success quick enough or at all. Perhaps this is because “winning” requires there to also being losers and that’s “not fair.” Perhaps it’s simply that “validation” of one’s self-image has become more important than being of worth in the first place.

In any event, winning is quite simple. Yet, losing because you’re a victim is so much easier to both do and teach.

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Whose Mess Is It?

There’s little point in denying that American politics is a mess and is, more often than not, about various messes. Indeed, a large part of the rhetoric flowing from the maws of politicians, especially those of Liberal bent, can be boiled down to attempting to pin down the blame for whatever mess is the currently popularized one.

Boombox - Whose Mess
Whose Mess Is It?

Of course, if Hillary Clinton manages to secure her installment into the White House as POTUS, she would, as Mr. Dixon so poetically predicts, continue blaming President Bush Jr. for the mess rather than Obama. Such blamecasting would be even prolific if Obama’s seeming preference, the Waba Squaw, Elizabeth Warren gained the Presidency.

Mr. Dixon is also completely right in his prediction that any mess in existence will be the current POTUS’ mess the moment – hopefully for America as a result of 2016 elections – a Republican president takes office. Both the GOP’s disdain for blaming past leaders and the lamestream media’s antipathy for the GOP will ensure that.

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2014 Economic Blamecast

We can all expect Obama to talk rather extensively about the economy and the “success” of the recovery that he, of course, brought about. We can also expect him to wax pontifical about just who is to blame for any perceived weakness in that recovery.

Shuckin, Jiving, and blaming Old White Men
Obama’s 2014 Economic Blamecast

In other words, Obama could just crib his SOTU speech from any of the many other times he’s made excuses for his utter and abject failure as a POTUS. We’re not going here anything tonight that we haven’t heard time and time again.

And really! Why shouldn’t Obama reiterate his mantra? It’s worked well for him professionally so far. Remember folks, if you think or worse say that it’s even partially Obama’s fault, you’re RACIST!

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Obama’s Multi-Tool

So, due to Obama and the Democrats total and willful refusal to negotiate a means around the sequester, we’re saddled with it. Don’t be too concerned though. Obama has the tools at his disposal to handle this “crisis” that Americans outside of the Beltway are facing.

Sequester Army Knife
Obama’s Multi-Tool – Fit For All His Uses

And his favorite – and only – tool is perfect for the job. Blame is perfect for “dealing” with the Sequester because the Sequester is a fraud committed by Obama and the Liberals for no purpose other than to be able to cast blame upon Congressional Republicans in the hopes of altering the outcomes of future elections.

The National Review provides us with a succinct and apt explanation of this fraud by the grifters of the Obama Regime:

In the tortured argot of Washington, “sequestration” connotes “a reduction in government spending.” It is thus an exquisite weasel word, the kind that fraud-construction thrives on. Of course, the disease sequestration is meant to treat is only too real — our metastasizing cancer of debt. But the political class that lives today’s high life on tomorrow’s stolen prosperity naturally prefers the illusion of action to the pain that must accompany any real, surgical remedy. So it peddles placebos that have the ring of earnestness and effectiveness: “cuts,” “balanced approach,” and the like.

On examination, these words are seen for the nonsense that they are. In Washington a “cut” is not what your family does when it becomes over-extended — a spending slash, a commitment to live within one’s means. It is a nominal decrease in the rate at which government plans, despite our straits, to increase spending. So a “cut” lards debt on debt . . . just not quite as quickly.

Andrew McCarthy

Don’t be mistaken in your predictions though. There will be an immediate loss of services that are perceived as necessary. Obama and his handlers and overseers will make absolutely sure of that, using whatever means than can decide are within the purview of the Executive to do so.

Manufacturing a fraudulent crisis isn’t really enough anymore in an age where information is more readily available to the masses than ever before. Obama and his ilk have to ensure that there is real pain felt before their “blamecasting” can have any real effect.

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