If It Were Us…
If The US Were In Israel’s Position
I think we could all be assured that, if some group were launching rockets daily at various American cities and towns, Obama would set aside his fund-raisers, vacations – maybe even his golf games – and come out of his semi-retirement to deal with the crisis in a manner that we come to expect of him based upon his performance and leadership to-date.
As Rahm Emanuel, Obama’s former chief of staff, counseled, “You never want a serious crisis to go to waste.” So Obama’s first order of business would be finding some way to blame Americans, especially the Republican party, for the terrorist attacks. After that, Obama’s would response would be carefully constructed and tailored to meet the threat based upon just who the terrorists were and where the missiles were falling.
Obviously, if the ones launching the missiles were Blacks, Hispanics, or Muslims the Obama-driven response would have to be soothing rhetoric, attempts at rapprochement, and calls for restraint in response to the sad actions of these oppressed groups who’ve been pushed over the edge by the institutional racism and/or religious intolerance of America.
Equally obviously, if the ones launching the missiles were Whites, Christians, or – gasp! – the TEA Party, it’d be a safe bet that Obama would declare martial law and send the military in to destroy these horrible, vicious terrorists.
Tags: America | Blacks | Hamas | Hispanics | Israel | Muslims | Obama | Politics | Sarcasm | Tea Parties | Terrorism | Whites