Crime Pays Now

Social Justice - Stealing from Whites to give to non-WhitesAs all Americans know – or bloody well should know by this point – Liberals and Progressives, the bulk of those supporting Democrat politicians with money and votes, hate history except when that history or the careful revision of it can pain Americans, especially Whites, in a bad light. Hence, it’s not too shocking that our domestic enemies have openly rejected the historical adage, “Crime doesn’t pay.”

Indeed, our domestic enemies have, instead, embraced the exact opposite of this truism. Now, if the verminous perp is of the correctly protected persuasion, crime does in fact pay. It does, at least in Richmond, CA where the Democrats have decided to pay thugs not to kill people.

Whitey better pay up unless he wants more blood in the streets
It’d Sho Be A Shame If Sometin’ Happened Up In This Fly Town

Yes, you read that right; Richmond, CA is paying violent felons to refrain from committing further violent crimes … And other Democrat ruled municipalities are looking to do the same.

The odds were good that Lonnie Holmes, 21, would be the next person to kill or be killed in this working-class suburb north of San Francisco.

Four of his cousins had died in shootings. He was a passenger in a car involved in a drive-by shooting, police said. And he was arrested for carrying a loaded gun.

But when Holmes was released from prison last year, officials in this city offered something unusual to try to keep him alive: money. They began paying Holmes as much as $1,000 a month not to commit another gun crime.

I really don’t know whether it’s better to describe this as a setup for a Black run protection racket where the cities must pay thugs not to cause harm or as a case where a young thug’s first arrest and incarceration is an unpaid internship leading to a payed position.

They even have felons like the aforementioned Holmes “mentoring” other violent, ghetto thugs and operating in a “don’t snitch” manner while utilizing taxpayer-funded vehicles and drivers.

The mentors have coaxed inebriated teenagers threatening violence into city cars, not for a ride to jail but home to sleep it off — sometimes with loaded firearms still in their waistbands. The mentors have funded trips to South Africa, London and Mexico City for rival gang members in the hope that shared experiences and time away from the city streets would ease tensions and forge new connections.

And when the elaborate efforts at engagement fail, the mentors still pay those who pledge to improve, even when, like Holmes, they are caught with a gun, or worse — suspected of murder.

The city-paid mentors operate at a distance from police. To maintain the trust of the young men they’re guiding, mentors do not inform police of what they know about crimes committed. At least twice, that may have allowed suspected killers in the stipend program to evade responsibility for homicides.

Of course, this is such a perfect and perfectly Liberal plan that Democrats in Washington DC, Miami, Toledo, Baltimore and more than a dozen cities with significant ghetto and/or barrio populations are eager to replicate Richmond’s plan.

So it looks like crime does pay…if you’re in the right place and are the right sort of criminal.


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Some Bit Of Truth There

Surrendering to Iran's nuclear weapons ambitions
There’s Some Bit Of Truth There

The political cartoon above has some truth to it, quite a bit of unpleasant truth actually. Obama’s deal with Iran over that nation’s nuclear power and weapons development was in the end a total surrender to the will and whims of the Ayatollahs.

It’s not, however, all truthful. There’s absolutely no evidence to support the hypothesis that either Obama or Kerry would recognize the existence of the Israelis killed by Iran’s proxy groups like Hezbollah and Hamas, much less show any respect for them.

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Realpolitiks of Bergdahl

Across the world and especially in America there’s a great deal of both outrage and confusion over Obama choosing to exchange five very high-level Taliban commanders in Gitmo for the deserter and probable defector, Sgt. Bowe Bergdahl. What I believe that most people don’t understand is that there was a well thought out political reason for Obama deciding to make this deal with the Devil.

Obama wasn’t negotiating with terrorists. He was legitimizing the Taliban as an enemy power with national / governmental standing – and the Taliban know this.

You Have The Watches. We Have The Time

The celebrations raging across the Taliban-controlled areas of Afghanistan aren’t just because of release of the prisoners; they’re because of what the prisoners’ release signifies. It’s a very geopolitically significant victory for the Taliban and is the harbinger of an even greater victory for them – Afghanistan.

Obama has chosen to surrender Afghanistan by the end of this year, knowing that President Hamid Karzai’s government won’t survive more than 2 years after that. Taking this very noticeable step in recognizing and legitimizing the Taliban was a necessary step towards his goal since the Taliban will shortly be once again Afghanistan’s titular government.

NOTE: Any and all central governments in Afghanistan at titular in nature. Terrain and tribal structures conspire to make many areas essentially autonomous.

On top of that, I’m sure Obama wants as orderly as possible withdrawal of our troops, preferably with a coincidental reduction in Taliban attacks. Making both a significant concession to the Taliban and a first step towards “rapprochement” with them greatly increases the chances of this happening and his avoiding a repeat of our flight from Vietnam.

That, Ladies and Gentlemen, is my opinion of the realpolitiks of Obama’s trading 5 Taliban senior commanders for Sgt. Bowe Bergdahl.

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