The First Debate

The general consensus seems to be that Mitt Romney won the debate with Barack Obama last Thursday night in Denver, CO. I frankly disagree with this consensus. Romney did not win; Obama lost. There was little in Romney’s performance that was praiseworthy, but there was nothing that was so in Obama’s performance.

Romney-Obama Debate - Man vs. Empty School Desk
The First Romney v. Obama Debate

After watching this political kabuki play, reading the transcripts of it, and subjecting myself to the lamestream media’s analysis of it, I’m left with the conclusion that Romney “won” only because Obama did even manage “Present” on that night.

The Obama that America’s domestic enemies rallied behind in 2008 was not in attendance at that debate. Only, a tired, stilted, stuttering man who was obviously in over his head and trying to defend a lack of job performance that would and should land any normal person without a job.

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Obama’s Niggerization?

ToureSome things, while not hard to believe due to the devolution of the media and society in general, don’t sit well with me or any other red-blooded American. One of these things is MSNBC’s guest / pet blacktivist filth, TourĂ© publicly accusing Republican Presidential Candidate, Mitt Romney of engaging in the “Niggerization” of Obama.

Still, consider the venue and source’s worth…

On Thursday, Auguest 16, 2012 the panel of MSNBC’s “The Cycle” picked apart Mitt Romney’s claim that President Obama should “take his campaign of division and anger and hate back to Chicago.” TourĂ©, part of the panel decided that this was a good time to engage in race-baiting, hate-mongering, and racial politics, i.e., he though it was a good time for some home in the ghetto blacktivism.

That really bothered me. You notice he said anger twice. He’s really trying to use racial coding and access some really deep stereotypes about the angry black man. This is part of the playbook against Obama, the “otherization,” he’s not like us.”

I know it’s a heavy thing, I don’t say it lightly, but this is “niggerization.” You are not one of us, you are like the scary black man who we’ve been trained to fear.

You’ve got to give this misborn piece of shit a certain amount of credit though. The “Angry Black Man” is one of the most effective pieces of propaganda that the “Black Community” ever invented. It lets them jabber, hoot, and rant and to engage in any violent, hate-filled, antisocial behavior that they wish to and then cry “racism!” when they’re called on it by their betters, the American people.

NOTE: Americans come in all colors. It’s just that filthy, worthless apes like TourĂ© call the Black ones: Oreo, Uncle Tom, Sell Out, Race Traitor, or House Nigger.

But, all that aside, what this really is is TourĂ©’s bald-faced and rather pathetic attempt at the “Klanification” of Mitt Romney, the GOP, and the true American people. most of whom happen to be White.

And, of course, this is exactly how Obama and the Democrats want and need it to be. It’s also how TourĂ©’s needs it to be because hate-mongering and race baiting is how he pays his rent and we’ve been taught about his sort before.

There is another class of coloured people who make a business of keeping the troubles, the wrongs, and the hardships of the Negro race before the public. Having learned that they are able to make a living out of their troubles, they have grown into the settled habit of advertising their wrongs — partly because they want sympathy and partly because it pays. Some of these people do not want the Negro to lose his grievances, because they do not want to lose their jobs.

— Booker T. Washington
My Larger Education: Being Chapters From My Experience

As I said, consider the venue and source’s worth or lack of it when reading or hearing their views and opinions. Do not, however, let their lack of worth, if you find it lacking, stay your hand. Even if without all other forms of merit, they and their punishment can serve as object lessons.

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Show Me Yours!

The hypocrisy of the petty, little piece of filth current befouling the White House knows no bounds. Obama and his proxies are still calling for Mitt Romney to release data about his taxes and his history with Bain Capital, all the while still refusing to release any data about Obama from his birth to the present day.

I'll Show You Mine If You Show Me Yours
I’ll Show You Mine If You Show Me Yours

A response such as above would be the most fitting thing by Romney and his staff, but he and they aren’t likely to do so. They don’t seem to be willing to lower themselves to Obama’s level.

Perhaps this is just a difference in the candidates’ strategies and basic characters. Or, alternatively, it may be because the Romney campaign does want to give Obama the hand-out of false equivalency. After all, nothing that Romney has refused to release caused the murder of both American and Mexican citizens, something that cannot be said for Obama.

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Obama’s Campaign Pledge

Obama’s campaign pledge to take the high road and only endorse positive ads instead of those viciously attacking his American opposition went the same way as any promise made by this worthless grifter.

Obama Pledges Positive Ads
Obama Pledges Positive Ads

Of course, you can’t ever expect or ask for an apology from Obama. That’d be racist.

You have to understand the weight of history attached to Blacks being forced to apologize for their failures, criminality, and antisocial behaviors. 😉

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That’s Rich!

According to Obama, GOP Presidential hopeful, Mitt Romney should answer questions about his past, specifically about his tenure with Bain Capital.

“My understanding is that Mr. Romney attested to the SEC, multiple times, that he was the chairman, CEO and president of Bain Capital and I think most Americans figure if you are the chairman, CEO and president of a company that you are responsible for what that company does,” Obama said.

Obama told Scott Thuman of WJLA, the ABC affiliate in the Washington, D.C., area, that Romney “absolutely” must answer questions about his tenure at Bain and whether it continued past 1999 — when Romney has said in the past he left — to 2002, as Securities and Exchange Commission documents suggest.

“If he aspires to being president, one of the things you learn is, you are ultimately responsible for the conduct of your operations, that’s probably a question that he’s going to have to answer, and I think that’s a legitimate part of the campaign,” Obama said in the interview.

That’s rich, coming out of the jabbering maw of Obama, who has refused to answer any questions about his past and couldn’t spell “responsibility,” much less understand what it means or practice it. It’s just not in the boy’s make up and was certainly never part of his upbringing. 😆

Sometimes I wonder how the Campainer-in-Chief can look at himself in the mirror with all the lies and hypocrisy that spews in his attempt to shuck and jive his way into a second term in office. Then I consider what I’m dealing with and it makes more sense.

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