The Science-Religion Cycle

The Science-Religion Cycle
The Science-Religion Cycle

While we’ve no evidence that this has happened to Man before – the Tower of Babel (Genesis 11:1–9) is lore, not evidence – the Science-Religion Cycle both makes sense and is something of a favorite with both futurists and science-fiction writers. Frankly, I find it quite plausible.

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What Happened To Our Future

What happened to our future, the future what was promised to my generation by so many optimistic futurists, Hollywood, and the media? Where are my flying cars? This is a fairly common question among Baby Boomers And Gen X’ers. It’s even the basis for a few memes among the younger generations.

What Happened To Our Future
What Happened To Our Future

A refocus and general decline in the quality of people led to things like Demi Lovato singing to the ghost of a whore in an effort to help it overcome its “sexist trauma” is what happened to our promised future.

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Predicting The Future

Predicting The Future
I'm betting the future is reduced for quick sale ... and will still sit on the shelf for a long time
Predicting The Future

Normally, predicting the future is a waste of time, energy, and thought – something best left to oracles and others who want to sell you something, most likely stocks or commodity futures. Still though, given the twin, synergistic plagues of the Democrats and COVID-19, I think that predicting some parts of the near future is easy. 😉

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The Future is Now

Our parents and grandparents lived in more optimistic times than we do today. They saw the future as bright with possibilities and filled with the benefits of our rapidly advancing technology.

The Astounding World of the Future

The future is now. OK, actually it’s last week sometime because we’ve “come farther” than what is shown in this video. In any event, feel free to quietly weep because those bright-eyed visionaries of the early-to-mid 20th century were so very right in their predictions and so very wrong about how we would make them come true.

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