Happy the man who can endure the highest and the lowest fortune. He, who has endured such vicissitudes with equanimity, has deprived misfortune of its power.
jonolan on New Client, New Problem: “😆 I’m always going to advocate for both. It be too hypocritical for me to do otherwise.” Sep 21, 07:03
Tyler, the Portly Politico on New Client, New Problem: “My top two from this exquisite collection: 1.) https://i0.wp.com/blog.jonolan.net/wp-content/uploads/sites/1/nggallery/need-new-shirts/08.jpg?ssl=1 2.) https://i0.wp.com/blog.jonolan.net/wp-content/uploads/sites/1/nggallery/need-new-shirts/12.jpg?ssl=1 I can’t figure out the winner! Tuscan bouffant or…” Sep 20, 18:59
jonolan on Bikini Interlude 92: “At the risk of poorly extrapolating your position, I’d say that you prefer a more natural, less worked at /…” Jul 28, 08:50
The idea of combining an anti-tank mine with a robot vacuum is hilarious. It’s also a bit terrifying. And… it’s probably either already out there in our military’s arsenal or in development. After all, iRobot, the makers of the Roomba, pretty much got their start designing and producing robots for the US military.
Think about it. Either RC or, given that shape recognition software is quite mature technology, autonomous Doombas that can be set in place to await enemy vehicles could easily be done – assuming they haven’t already quietly been so. And then there’s the obvious antipersonnel variant that would mount a flip-up M18A1 Claymore mine or a set of 6 Miniature Grenade Launchers (MGL) such are used with the M7 Spider networked anti-personnel munitions system.
I can hear it now, “Alexa, I’d like to destroy that ZTZ-99A now.”
This entry was posted on Sunday, February 5th, 2023 at 6:00 pm and is filed under Humor, Technology.
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Meetings, normally via Skype or Zoom, are the one bit of corporate interpersonal interaction left for many in these ongoing months of the COVID-19 pandemic panic. They’re important! So, remember to change out of your new-normal businesswear and into your approved meeting attire. 😆
This entry was posted on Saturday, September 5th, 2020 at 11:15 am and is filed under Humor, Society.
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In 1867 John Stuart Mill said, “Bad men need nothing more to compass their ends, than that good men should look on and do nothing.“ And Reverend Charles F. Aked, Edmund Burke, and other worthies have, over the course of centuries, voiced similar truths. So, why aren’t we listening and acting upon these words?
We, the true-born and rightly-raised People of the great land of the United States of America hold both the lions’ share of its true wealth and the vast majority of its arms – the former being why the Left and their minorities are at war with us; the latter why said war hasn’t quite “gone hot” yet. There is neither reason nor plausible excuse for our toleration of our domestic enemies’ actions, agenda, or very existence.
A very conservative estimate places the number of America’s militia who are already under arms and capable of immediate operations at somewhat above 50 million souls. 50+ million! The Left could field perhaps 1/5th that number. Indeed, 50 million militiamen is a host so vast and so pervasive as to even render the force capable by the armed services moot despite their overwhelming technological and organizational advantages.
Even a bare 3% of of our numbers would be enough to do the job, defend our nation, culture, and People, which is good because 3% active, combative involvement seems to be the historic norm and has held true across millennia and cultural differences – e.g., Muhammad couldn’t do any better than 3% either 🙄 But the important point is that even that 3% would be sufficient, even in worst-case scenarios.
So, why DO we look on and do nothing? Are we – and I’m honest enough to include myself in this – not Good Men? Do we not love, honor, respect, and cherish the nation and culture our ancestors carved out of the wilderness for us and our progeny?
This entry was posted on Saturday, August 1st, 2020 at 1:18 pm and is filed under Politics.
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Yeah, we can all forget about suits and ties. We can say goodbye to sport coats or blazers with a button-down shirt and slacks. We’ll even need to leave our polo shirts and chinos in the closet. The days of the various businesswear dress codes are over.
Yes, the new businesswear for Coronavirus and beyond is and will be pajamas, a comfy robe, and slippers. There’s no point in anything, given that telecommuting / remote work is currently “required” for most people and that is not going to change even after the panic over this disease fades in favor of the media’s next trick.
This Is Our New “Reality”
Don’t expect things to go back to how they were before. This is our new normal. There may be a short term rush back to the office, but it won’t last for most of us. We’ll fairly quickly be heading back home to telecommute.
Companies in several verticals have now learned that they can have mostly remote workers and they’ll quickly realize that it is cheaper and more profitable to continue this.
And there’s even the perfect, recurring rationale for it. COVID-19 is functionally “just” a severe seasonal flu. So, next year’s flu season has just as much “need” for self-quarantining, social distancing, and sheltering in place to some extent. The seasonal flu does, after all, kill 12,000 – 61,000 Americans every year and hospitalizes another 140,000 – 810,000.
So yeah, better for the companies’ bottom line and easily rationalized as a responsible and compassionate course of action. Get used to your jammies, robe, and slippers, my friends. 😉
This entry was posted on Friday, March 27th, 2020 at 9:52 am and is filed under Humor, Society.
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Our parents and grandparents lived in more optimistic times than we do today. They saw the future as bright with possibilities and filled with the benefits of our rapidly advancing technology.
The Astounding World of the Future
The future is now. OK, actually it’s last week sometime because we’ve “come farther” than what is shown in this video. In any event, feel free to quietly weep because those bright-eyed visionaries of the early-to-mid 20th century were so very right in their predictions and so very wrong about how we would make them come true.
This entry was posted on Wednesday, January 8th, 2014 at 4:20 am and is filed under Humor, Society, Technology.
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