Turning Up The Heat

Yep. It’s still cold as Hel’s realm out there, so sweaters are still the uniform of the day. Fortunately, that’s not really a bad thing at all.

Maria Brink turns up the heat in that sweater
Maria Brink’s Turning Up The Heat

New York based rocker babe, Maria Brink of In This Moment, is certainly displaying one of the better ways to turn up the heat with a sweater. 😉

Of course, this fine, blonde heavy metal singer also warms things up quite well and nicely in a shawl.

Maria Brink in a shawl

Stay warm, everyone! Remember that Winter is to be lived, not just endured and it’s the best time of year for indoor recreation. 😉

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Keeping Warm

It’s Winter and it’s a freaking cold one at that. Sometimes you even have to adjust what you wear inside in order to keep warm.

Warm Scarf
Emily’s Keeping Warm

Fortunately, miss Emily Addison has been kind enough to show how not only to keep warm but to also heat up those around her. 😉

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Wear Eye Protection

Gentlemen, always wear eye protection…

Cleavage Is Like The Sun

Sunglasses can save a lot more than your eyes. 😆 Just try to remember that there is fine, subjective, and shifting line between giving the attention that is so obviously desired and the creepy, cold-eyed stare of the psychotic stalker.

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By Request…

Never let it be said that I don’t value the input I recieve from my readers, and never let it be said that I won’t consider making a post on topic or containing content that they recommend or request.

Tit4Tat has several times requested more feminine and curvy women and POTR specifically asked for redheads. So by request:

Redheads Almost In Sweaters

Yeah, they’re not pulling off their sweaters like the pert blond was, but I think they’re close enough.

Not Cute Boys With Breast Implants

And, just to make sure that T4T’s requests were met, here’s three more classically feminine babes with pronounced womanly curves and no obvious breast implants.

So, what do say, guys?

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There Are Similarities

I’ve written before about how men and women are quite different from each in: their basic needs; choosing a mate, or what to wear; and even simple greetings. It not right, proper, or fair to solely focus on the differences between genders.

There are similarities, fundamental similarities, between men and women in how they approach the world…

Eyes Up Here!
Hey, Lady! Eyes Up Here

Yep, both men and women will stop, fixated, and ogle what we desire. 😆 We just have different foci. Yet we’re both doing the same thing, staring “hungrily” at what would bring us pleasure.

A Man’s Focus

Cleavage – It’s Chocolate For Men


A Woman’s Focus

Chocolate – It’s Cleavage For Women

So really, Ladies and Gentlemen – and those of each gender who don’t deserve those honorifics, we really need to stop ranting at- and insulting each other over exhibiting similar behaviors about different things. We should, while accepting our differences, try to come together over our fundamental similarities.

Come Together

Hot Chocolate – Finding Common Ground

See? That wasn’t so hard – messy, but not hard at all. Even better, it might bring the bisexual and lesbian women into the mix since they might be wired to split the difference between breasts and chocolate. 😆

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