Future Planning

The future will always become the present with the march of time. One must understand one’s hopes and plan ways to realize them. Or one must surrender those hopes and so very much more.

Hope, But Plan As Well
(Click to Enlarge)

In the admittedly unlikely – but far from impossible – event of UN troops being sent to America to disarm and quell the People, it’d be a hard choice between any of the Kalashnikov variants and those of the M-16. I suppose it would come down to which foreign nation’s troops were being deployed in your area.

The Gods have mercy on your souls, however, if it’s African troops in your area. History, especially WW1, has taught us the horrid lesson of what happens when Africans occupy White nations. For that reason alone I would slightly prefer the Kalashnikov…because no African under arms could sanely and morally be allowed to live.

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About This They Bitch?

Media Brainwash - From Mainstream to LamestreamIt’s truly amazing – in a manner somewhat similar to Stalin’s, Pol Pot’s, and Mao’s behaviors being “amazing” – how the Lamestream Media behaves and what its myrmidons choose to complain about. Seeing, hearing, or reading what they say is for Americans like getting a glimpse of a totally foreign and alien culture that bears only the most superficial resemblance of our own.

This week the Lamestream Media broke ranks and whined about how their boy, Obama was putting campaigning before duty.

Of course no American should even begin to get their hopes up that the Lamestream Media has begun to return to America’s bosom. Their complaint is that Obama wasn’t spending enough time appeasing, placating, and apologizing to various foreigners (Israel excepted of course. They’re just noise) who were at the UN.

Just to name a few, Chuck Todd of MSNBC, CNN’s Wolf Blitzer, ABC’s Jake Tapper, and the CBS Evening News all took swipes at the president for doing campaign stops, TV entertainment shows, and softball interviews instead of doing his job as our nation’s chief foreign policy representative by meeting with the world leaders who are this week visiting New York at the United Nations.

This is par for the course for the ever globalist, Soros embroiled Lamestream media. Of course they’re going to bitch when and only when Obama isn’t dutiful enough to foreigners and their bargaining co-op, the United Nations.

And, as odd is may seem for me to say it, Obama’s team’s response was spot on. America has Secretary of State Hillary Clinton and U.N. Ambassador Susan Rice to handle one-on-bilateral meetings with foreign heads of state at these functions. It’s rarely needful or appropriate for an American POTUS to make themselves available for such things.

And then there’s the fact that America’s “chief foreign policy representative” has achieved nothing by direct involvement in such matters except an escalation of worldwide violence, anti-American action, and uncounted deaths of both Americans and foreigners.

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Obama’s Only Defense

President Obama has, despite the efforts of the MSM to keep things quiet, managed to rile up a strong and growing storm of condemnation over his usurpation of power and arguably illegal war in Libya.

Obama’s defense of his violation of US law and even the War Powers Act, which gives the POTUS certain limited leeway in using force without prior congressional approval, seems to center upon the war in Libya being a UN mandated action that is being conducted under the auspices of NATO.

Obama - Uh ... What They Said
The UN Made Me Do It. I was Only Following Orders

The only other possibility is that Obama is attempting the Whoopi Defense – It’s not war-war, much like it wasn’t rape-rape in the case of Roman Polanski drugging and rutting into an unconscious 13 year-old girl.

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The Expected Yammering

Navanethem "Navi" Pillay - U.N. High Commissioner for Human Rights and avowed enemy of AmericaUnsurprisingly, it took little more than moments for the filth in the United Nations, now little more than a OIC front-group, to start whining, bleating, and yammering about America’s extermination of Osama bin Laden.

It took less than a full day before they started quasi-demanding that we explain ourselves and justify our actions to them.

Details of their arrogance from Reuters via Yahoo News:

GENEVA (Reuters) – The United Nations’ top human rights official called on the United States Tuesday to give the U.N. details about Osama bin Laden’s killing and said that all counter-terrorism operations must respect international law.

But Navi Pillay, U.N. High Commissioner for Human Rights, said that the al Qaeda leader, killed in a U.S. operation in Pakistan, had committed crimes against humanity as self-confessed mastermind of “the most appalling acts of terrorism,” including the September 11, 2001 attacks on America.

It was always clear that taking bin Laden alive was likely to be difficult, she said, noting that U.S. authorities had stated that they intended to arrest him if possible.

“This was a complex operation and it would be helpful if we knew the precise facts surrounding his killing. The United Nations has consistently emphasized that all counter-terrorism acts must respect international law,” Pillay said in a statement issued in response to a Reuters request.

In Washington, U.S. Attorney General Eric Holder defended as lawful Tuesday the U.S. operation to go into Pakistan that resulted in the death of bin Laden and the taking of his body.

“If he was captured and brought before a court, I have no doubt he would have been charged with the most serious crimes, including the mass murder of civilians that took place on 9/11, which were planned and systematic and in my view amounted to crime against humanity,” said Pillay, a former U.N. war crimes judge.

From what I can see, the details of Operation Geronimo and the reasoning behind it could be easy summed up in a short memo to this jumped-up piece of filth trying to justify her own job by yapping at her betters:

Memo to UN fuckwads
Any Further Questions, Navi?

Her stupid claim that Osama bin Laden would be “charged with the most serious crimes” is one of the laughable statements I’ve heard come out of anyone within the UN in some time. Of course Osama bin Laden would be charged by the International Criminal Court (ICC) and quite that quite readily and speedily.

Convicting it and getting an appropriate sentence enacted upon it under ICC rules is another matter altogether. It would probably die of old age in it’s UN-mandated, carefully comfortable place of incarceration before the ICC ever finished their arguments over jurisdictionality.

Worse, as Richard Goldstone proved to the Civilized World, such a “trial” would swiftly turn into an ongoing attack upon America’s War on Terror.

Navanethem Pillay’s and the UN expected yammering should be met by either America’s silence, the memo shown above, or an eviction notice.

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Well Done, Sir

Allegedly President Obama ordered a military operation that killed the jihadi vermin, Osama bin Laden, ending a decade long hunt for the misborn ibn al khanzeer.

While I have some lingering doubts as to the truth of this, they don’t really matter very much since most of the world is taking this good news on faith. Hence I will accept these claims at face value until the unlikely event that they’re proven false.

That being the case, proper accolades are much in order, irregardless of my overall feelings about the Obama Regime, their near total lack of concern over those feelings, and the improbability that any of them would ever read this post:

Well done, Sir! Fucking well done! Huzzah!

To loosely paraphrase the First Lady, for the first time I’m proud of something you’ve done as President of my country.


President Obama acting as the POTUS and C-in-C gave the order for DEVGRU and the CIA to undertake a “kill mission” – codenamed Operation Geronimo – to exterminate Osama bin Laden in t’s compound in the affluent suburb of Abottabad, Pakistan – a mere 35 miles from the capital, Islamabad. Obama ordered the commencement of Operation Geronimo without notifying the Pakistani government due to realistic fears that they would help Osama bin Laden escape.

To paint this in a negative manner, as America’s enemies, both foreign and domestic, will certainly do, President Obama unilaterally violated the territory of a sovereign nation and violated several articles of international in order to assassinate a private citizen in a private residence, killing multiple others in the process of this act.

More accurately stated, President Obama put the needs and desires of the American people before the sovereignty of a “state” that created and continues to support the Taliban and Al-Qaeda and did not allow the puling sensibilities of foreign interests, most of whom are no friends of America, to get in the way of doing his duty.

It was a job well done, both in specific execution and in the tone of the message it sends the world.

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