This Is What’s Wrong

This is part of what’s wrong with America in these degenerate times. If things like this can happen even in places like New Mexico, our nation is entering its end times.

Run Little Thugs, Run!

Recently, two young men, 18 year-old Quinn Chavez and 20 year-old Christopher Gutierrez stopped there car near Western Winds Park in Rio Rancho, NM. At this point three thugs robbed them at gunpoint. After a few moments of understandable shock, Chavez chased two of three thugs with his car and ran the vermin down.

Ans thus we proceed to what’s wrong with America in these degenerate times. No, it is not that Chavez and Gutierrez were robbed in broad daylight; crime is part of every society. Most absolutely certainly it is not that the two young men ran the criminals down; they refused to by victims, understood that law enforcement could not truly help them, and took such actions as would protect others from the depredations of these worthless thugs. No! What is so very wrong with our nation is that Quinn Chavez is now facing charges for act of courage in the face of thuggery.

That bears repeating. Quinn Chavez is facing was not only arrested – that is right and proper in such a case – but is going to be prosecuted on felony charges by the local District Attorneys office for removing an armed threat to community he lives in.

This what definitely is wrong with America.

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If There Be Justice…

It there be justice, this is Obama's future
The Future, If There Be Justice

After all that, both by his actions and interactions, Obama has done to America, if there be any justice at all in this world, this is how this misborn piece of filth will end up.

Such justice will not come swiftly though. While the House can easily vote to impeach Obama, it would take between 12 – 15 Democrats to side with America against their own and Obama to gain a conviction and the same number a second time to eject the boy from office.

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We Shall Overcome

Democrats - Still the same old Nigger-Drivers
We Shall Overcome

We shall overcome and bend the arc of the moral universe to true justice…if we vote for such course of action. We shall overcome the fact that the Democrats have yoked the Blacks into their traces and set them plodding to the polls…if we vote against them. We shall overcome and let be heard unto the Heavens that no lie can live forever…if we vote so that this cry can be sounded in victory.

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Another Racist Cafe

I’ve shown you a racist cafe before but here’s another one. It’s seems that a lot of cafe owners aren’t on board with the new dogma of what is racist.

Karma CafeThat’s Got To Be Racist

C’mon, People! You can’t give people what they deserve. Doing so would “disproportionately impact” minorities, most especially Blacks and has, hence, been declared as racist. You’ve got to serve them what they want, preferably while subsidizing protected subcultural groups so as to guarantee equality and fairness. 😉

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Liberal Education

Sandra Korn - A traitor to all that is right and goodSome people question the value of modern, Liberal education. We call those people intelligent, patriotic Americans. This is because, academics aside, there is nothing of value in Liberal education and much that actively seeks to devalue America.

Worse, the higher one goes in education the lower one seems to sink into treason and evil.

Harvard is a perfect example of this. Academically, it’s a very fine university. What it teaches its students beyond academics is another and more horrific story altogether. Take what the once august institution taught one of its students, Sandra Korn, to believe and then allowed it to be published in the The Harvard Crimson as evidence of this.

In its oft-cited Statement of Principles on Academic Freedom and Tenure, the American Association of University Professors declares that “Teachers are entitled to full freedom in research and in the publication of the results.” In principle, this policy seems sound: It would not do for academics to have their research restricted by the political whims of the moment.

 Yet the liberal obsession with “academic freedom” seems a bit misplaced to me. After all, no one ever has “full freedom” in research and publication. Which research proposals receive funding and what papers are accepted for publication are always contingent on political priorities. The words used to articulate a research question can have implications for its outcome. No academic question is ever “free” from political realities. If our university community opposes racism, sexism, and heterosexism, why should we put up with research that counters our goals simply in the name of “academic freedom”?

Instead, I would like to propose a more rigorous standard: one of “academic justice.” When an academic community observes research promoting or justifying oppression, it should ensure that this research does not continue.

Yes, that’s right. The Harvard bint was academic and scientific freedom curtailed in favor pandering to the desires and agendas of certain special interest groups and those among the student body who enable them. It’s what she’s been taught is justice, which must, in what passes for her mind, trump freedom every single time.

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