Summing Up Ferguson

Cornhulio Protests
Work Sucks, Let’s Go Break Something

This perfectly sums up the Blacks’ “protests” in Ferguson, New York City, and other, utterly uninvolved areas. Cornholio would be proud of them.

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Sadly Similar

When it comes right down to it, primate behavior is primate behavior. Only the specifics of the stimuli and responses change somewhat.

Well, here's strong evidence in favor of Darwin's theory of evolution
Sadly Similar In So Many Ways

The one sort of bright side to this, if you’re not a strict Creationist, is that the sad similarities between the Black rioters and looters in Ferguson and elsewhere and the average troop of angry or hungry monkeys is strong evidence in support of Darwin’s Theory of Evolution.

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Burn This Bitch Down

There’s little to say in favor of Louis Head, Michael Brown’s “stepfather” who helped incite the riots, looting, and burning of Ferguson, MO in the wake of Officer Darren Wilson not be indicted by the grand jury. There’s little to say in the buck’s favor but not nothing. His screaming, “Burn this bitch down!” may well be an important teaching moment.

Obama:  Burn This Bitch Down!
Obama to America: Burn This Bitch Down!

Louis Head’s screaming of, “Burn this bitch down!” may explain the entirety of the Obama presidency better than anything else has ever explained it.

Head didn’t get the result that he wanted and his response, typical of a Black who’d been balked by America, was to get angry.  Obama as well didn’t get the result that he wanted and his response, typical of a Black who’d been balked by America, was to get angry.  They may be at opposite ends of the spectrum of violence and immediacy of reaction but the underlying feelings and responses to stimuli are the same.

Seen in the light of the “teaching moment” that Louis Head provided America, Obama’s foreign, economic, and domestic policy decisions and positions make sense now, where once they didn’t.

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Honoring Michael Brown

Sagging, buck Nigger, ghetto thugs...for Michael Brown
Pants At Half-Mast For Big Mike

ROFLMAO – Nothing says “we remember Michael” more or better than wearing your pants sagging around your thighs or knees. Yep! Let’s remember Michael Brown for what the buck was, a ghetto thug doomed to either die young or live his life in and out of the prison system where he could be contained and warehoused in order to give society a respite from his behavior.

But hey, at least this explains why that one “thug azz nigga” didn’t steal a belt while he was busy looting Ferguson. 😆

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Black Friday 2014

The ghetto thugs in Ferguson were redefining Black Friday shopping
Ferguson – Redefining Black Friday Shopping

Let’s give credit where credit is due. The ghetto thugs in Ferguson weren’t looting; they were “undocumented shoppers” who were redefining Black Friday shopping. 😆

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