Check Your Facts

Check Your Facts
Check Your Facts – ROFLMAO

Yeah! Honestly, it’s like that. Certain sorts seem to love to tell Americans to check their facts and then, as supposed evidence, present articles from CNN or other Lamestream Media sources as evidence that the Americans are wrong.

Lamestream Media Fact-Checkers

And, of course, those Lamestream Media sources are so very careful about their fact-checking. They very much don’t want to tell something that the Leftists’ magisterium has decried as blasphemous or heretical. The cost to them would be too high.

Then, we must accept that this problem of “alternative facts” will continue. After all, Americans and the sorts who tend to vote Democrat don’t even have the same definition for many things.

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Tulsi Gabbard Redacted

Tulsi Gabbard Redacted
Tulsi Gabbard Redacted

Despite meeting the current at the time requirements for being included in the next Democrat Primary Debate, Rep. Tulsi Gabbard (HI 2nd ) has been forbidden to attend, the DNC having decided to change the criteria after Super Tuesday so as to exclude her. This, of course, is more than a little likely to come as a surprise to many who didn’t know that Gabbard was still in the race, which is, in and of itself, not shocking since the Democrat “Leadership” and their pet media has essentially redacted Tulsi Gabbard’s entire campaign.

Revenge Is A Bitch

What seems to have happened is that Gabbard found out the hard way that revenge is a bitch, a bitch named Hillary Clinton, the de facto ruler of the Democrat party at this time. After all, in the early parts of the race to see which Democrat would run against- and likely lose to President Trump, Gabbard was trending quite well. Then, Hillary Clinton proclaimed that Gabbard was a “Russian Asset.” At that point, both her DNC and the ever-dutiful Lamestream media not only turned their collective backs upon Gabbard but actively shut her out and went silent on her and her campaign.

That’s what happens when you go against Hillary, as many have discovered to their pain. And Tulsi Gafford very much did go straight up against Hillary Clinton while Clinton and her DNC were securing her 2016 Nomination.

Tulsi Gabbard had been a Vice Chair in the DNC, but she quit to support Bernie Sanders during the debacle that was the 2016 Democrat Primary “race.” That’s the exact sort of thing that Hillary remembers and gets revenge for.

Heretics Must Burn

Gabbard sin, beyond earning Hillary’s ire, was that she was and is a heretic. She has shown insufficient orthodoxy and compliance with the Dems’ dogma of impeaching President Trump via any means at their disposal.

Yeah, the heads of the Democrat party and their media didn’t much more than that to cast out Gabbard. They’re not the sort that tolerates such heresy.

Why It Sort Of Matters

As an American, the only reasons that the redaction of Tulsi Gabbard matters are that she was the most potentially dangerously Democrat candidate and she’s been removed and that the DNC’s and Lamestream Media’s doing so is a nadir of hypocrisy that bears mention.

So yes, I’m quite pleased that the organization running the elections for our domestic enemies chose to “erase” the candidacy of the one person on their side that I thought could be a credible threat. However …

Tulsi Gabbard should have, the Democrats’ own oft-ranted criteria, received far different and better treatment by them, especially at this time.

  • Gabbard is a woman. The last woman in the Dems’ primary race
  • Gabbard is a “Person of Color” by Dem standards. Again, the last one in the Dems’ primary race
  • Gabbard is a Hindu. She is, in fact, the 1st Hindu Presidential candidate

Yeah, if the Democrats were even a little close in their own behavior to what they claim to want everyone to do and believe, they probably wouldn’t have redacted Gabbard’s campaign and they certainly wouldn’t have cut her out of the remaining debates.

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No Pot O’ Gold For Dems

No Pot O' Gold
No Pot O’ Gold For Dems

St. Padraig’s Day has come and come and gone. There was no luck, except for bad luck, for the Dems however. After well over a year of them following the mystical rainbow of Russian collusion, there’s been no pot ‘o gold for them to have. In fact, to-date the collusion evidence that’s been uncovered is that of collusion between various members of the FBI and the DNC / Hillary campaign. 😉

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So…#Memogate. Ah yes, the almost but not quite tempest arising from the contents and release of the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act Abuses at the Department of Justice and the Federal Bureau of Investigation memo drafted by Congressman Devin Nunes (R-CA 22), in which are accusations of bias, collusion with the DNC, and various forms of wrongdoing by FBI officials while investigating then-candidate Donald Trump.

#Memogate Hurts The FBI's Feelings
The FBI’s Concerns About #Memogate

Obviously, senior members of the FBI had grave concerns about this sort of data being released to the general populace. They were legitimately concerned that, if these actions were publicized, it would greatly harm public confidence in their activities and worth to the People. Note of course, that they were far more concerned about the memo being released than about whether or not their people had committed these sorts of malfeasances…

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The Clintons As A Couple

The Clintons, Bill and Hillary, are as a couple quite amazing. Most people boggle at the fact that they are still a couple after all that has happened.

Two Of A Kind
The Clintons – Two Of A Kind

But the thing is is that the Clintons are the perfect couple – perfect for each other at least. They’re two peas in a pod, both unrepentant cheaters. All that differs between them is how they cheat.

Setting The Record Straight
The Clintons – Setting The Record Straight

They even handle being caught in their various wrongdoings the same way, with predictably similar results. Truly, they’re a match made in Gehenna and, as such, it’s no shock that they’ve cleaved to each other.

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