Gentlemen, A New League

Gentlemen, A New League
Gentlemen, A New League

Absolutely extraordinary, Gentlemen! Just how I’d picture an American chapter of LOEG circa 1988.

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Girl Genius

Girl Genius
Adventure, Romance, MAD SCIENCE!

I have no earthly idea who this young woman is but for some reason she looks a lot like Agatha Heterodyne from Phil and Kaja Foglio’s Girl Genius series of comics or, at least, she does to me. And hey! While I’m not one to dabble in watercolors, I like that look a lot.

And what’s not to like? The character, Agatha Heterodyne is a strong, vibrant female protagonists. She goes far beyond the realm of “perky” or “plucky.” She’s both possessed of strong physical prowess and is a multi-talented genius, hence the series’ title. She’s also far less waifish of vampish and far more robustly curvaceous than is the norm for women in graphic novels.

Girl Genius is now a web comic or, if you’re like me and like a good book, you can get the omibus edition. Either way, this comic series is a lot of fun and has a different sort of cast of characters and plots than is the norm.

It’s billed as Gaslamp Fantasy as opposed to Steampunk because it combines magic with big, clanking, Victorian-style steampunkesque tech, old-fashioned clothes, Frankenstein monsters, and airships – lots and lots of airships – to create a new whole and a new genre.

More importantly, it’s a rollicking good read.

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Corporate Heroes

Crime fighting may be rewarding and, in the case of superheroes, it’s certainly glamorous in its way. It doesn’t, however, pay the bills. Hence, what would it be like if superheroes took endorsement contracts and had corporate sponsors?

Corporate Heroes

Of course, I can’t picture Bruce Wayne or Tony Stark being a celebrity spokespersons for McDonald’s or Nike respectively…unless they’d decided to diversify their holdings and buy those companies. 😉

And yes, I know. Galactus is a cosmic entity of nigh on unparalleled power who is beyond such petty concerns as wealth…or is that Bill Gates? I get them confused sometimes. 😆

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We Are So Screwed!

As if the Predator using his normal hunting kit wasn’t bad enough, now we have this to look forward to…

Iron Predator - We Are So Screwed
Iron Predator – We Are So Screwed

Whether you call them Yautja, Hish, or leave them nameless, the Predators were some of the most bad-ass sci-fi aliens to ever give humanity a hard time – and now we’ve got one in Iron Man’s Golden Avenger suit?!?!

To all of those attending, enjoy Comic-Con 2012. 😀

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Lovely Anachronisms

So what would it be like if one took three of DC comics super heroines and set them in Victorian England? Michael Dooney aka ~doonboy has been both talented and kind enough to give us an idea.

Victorian Superheroines – Lovely Anachronisms

Lady Zatanna, The Black Cat, and Super Girl would have looked quite different, but still quite lovely, in the late 19th Century.

Of course my opinion is heavily prejudiced. One of the things I like about the Steampunk meme is the resurgence of the sensibilities and conceits of Victorian fashion.

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