Climate Change Explained

Climate Change Explained
Climate Change Explained

This is actually one of the best and best worded definitions for Climate Change as a cause and/or movement that I’ve come across. It so aptly describes AGW as it’s been presented and all the “countermeasures” that have been implemented and/or proposed.

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Have A Green Christmas

Have A Green Christmas
Have A Green Christmas

Yeah. Have a very green Christmas indeed. At remember, all you good folk, the Eco-Fascists of the Climate Change crap would be A-OK with this, just as their always A-OK with all the real deaths caused by their non-fossil fuel energy ideas. And, of course they are. They would never accept any solution to their proclaimed problem that didn’t harm the wealth, basic lifestyles, and health of Whites, especially White Americans.

This has never really been about lowering global temperatures. It’s always been about reducing the economies and populations of White nations for the sake of “Diversity” and “Social Justice.”

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Climatards' Green Utopia

Climatards' Green Utopia
The Climatards’ Green Utopia

I’ve stated before what the Democrats’ plan for America’s agricultural sector is. But the image above depicts the specific goals of the Climatards among Americans’ domestic enemies and the Green Utopia that they want to fundamentally transform our nation into. That is, of course, when they’re not demanding that we simply outsource resource extraction and its concomitant pollution to “developing nations.”

Yes, these are the useful idiots that are, themselves being farmed by Democrat politicians, certain groups within the deep state that want better budgets and more job security, and the Leftists that long ago turned the entirety of Global Warming into an attack upon Western prosperity in an attempt to distribute our wealth to those others that they prefer.

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Nothing To See Here

Nothing To See Here
Nothing To See Here

Nothing to see here. Move right along. This is just what actually fuels an Electric Vehicle (EV). And please, please, please don’t consider the fully weighted comparative environmental costs of your brand now, sparkly, virtue vehicle. 😛

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Battery Change 2022+

Battery Change
Your Car’s Battery Change 2022 and Beyond

Yeah, not only do electric vehicles (EVs) normally cost about 20% more than either their traditional and hybrid counterparts, the cost of replacing their battery pack/deck is way more than anything normal people would condone. For now, that sort of makes me laugh, since it’s harming the Liberals, Progressives, and other Ecotards and Warmists who want to signal their virtue and orthodoxy by buying and conspicuously driving one.

Look At Me Sinners! I’m Virtuous

The way I’ve always figured things, if you want to harm yourself for your faith, cool; more power to you and, even if we’re enemies, I have, do, and will always respect you for your sacrifice. I mean, I’ll be annoyed by your incessant proselytizing and virtue signalling, but I will always acknowledge that you put your faith first, before you comfort or material success.

But the problem is that these Warmists who are apparently shaping the domestic policies of the Democrat party are not in the least bit satisfied with practicing their religion. Oh no! As creatures like Biden and the other Dems in political power have shown, these Warmists have their own Great Commission and certainly don’t hesitate to enact Conversion by the Sword.

Why do you think Biden forced unprecedented fuel prices upon we, the People? Why do you think that SCOTUS had to explicitly tell the EPA that they couldn’t force the governments of the individual states to change their power production to something “green”?

This is America. If the Left wants to sacrifice their wealth and freedoms for the sake of their religion of Global Warming, fine! If they want to preach their faith in or on the streets? Fine! It’s when they try to force their face upon others that we have a problem.

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