Sarah Palin Is So Stupid
If you tune into the news, whether it be mainstream (“Lamestream” and Liberal / Socialist) or alternative, you’ve been inundated by the puling, anti-American Liberals deriding Mrs. Sarah Palin. Most often their greatest insult is that she’s “so stupid.”
I’ll leave aside for the moment that this hatred and fear started with the wastes-of-vaginas that make up the modern iterations of the Feminists.
So, concentrating in this post instead upon the more generalized Leftist hatred and derision of Sarah Palin, we are left with with factual and logical failing that they, the puling anti-American Liberals and Progressives, cannot even bear to admit to.
Sarah Palin is so stupid that she backed Sarah endorsed 94 candidates in the 2010 local, state, and national elections, of 60 won, 33 lost, and 1 race still being undecided. That’s a 64% success rate and better than all of the power brokers who feed off of D.C!
Tell me, you filthy little Liberal vermin, how many of the few Democrat candidates who were willing to let your Messiah, Obama stump for them won? Harry Reid and who?
Yeah, Sarah Palin is so stupid. With stupid like that you’ll be calling her Madame President or un-assing the country. For the record, I strongly suggest the latter; it’ll save Americans the cost of ammo.
Tags: 2010 Elections | 2012 Elections | America | Conservatives | Leftists | Liberals | Lies | Obama | Palin | Politics | Progressives | Realpolitik | Truth