Remember, Kiddies

Remember, Kiddies

This pretty much sums up how the Democrats’ groomers and pedos approach children these days, especially in our schools. There are reasons why they both keep going after the kids and keep telling those kids not to tell their parents.

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La Folie Transsexuelle

Le Folie Transsexuelle
La Folie Transsexuelle

Yeah, given the horrific, tranny debacle that was the opening ceremonies of the 2024 Summer Olympics in Paris, the only thing that would seem to provide more proof of being French would be to shit out several pounds of moldy cheese… or pull a train of African “migrants.” 🙄

La folie transsexuelle en effet!

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Presidential Products

Presidential Products
Presidential Products – ‘Riding with Biden’

Nothing really new about this, but it’s still funny. Or, it would be if it wasn’t to be expected that the sorts who we’ve allowed into our children’s schools would be passing these out to grade school kids.

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The Only Reason

The Only Reason To Block The Epstein Flight Logs Subpoena
The Only Reason To Block The Epstein Flight Logs Subpoena

The only reason for Sen. Dick Durbin (D-Illinois) to block the subpoena for Jeffrey Epstein’s flight logs was that he – and/or other prominent Democrats – was listed on those flight logs. No other possible rationale makes any sense whatsoever. OK… there’s maybe one other plausible rational for Durbin blocking the subpoena request: childish petulance since the subpoena was requested by Senate Republicans.

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Flagging As The Enemy

Flagging As The Enemy
Flagging As The Enemy

While this editorial cartoon is specifically aimed at the recent evil in Colorado where a 12 year-old boy was suspended from school for wearing a backpack with a Gadsen flag patch on it, it also fits with the vast majority of the anti-White, anti-Male, anti-American crap that what we’ve allowed to have access to our children are doing in the Democrat-ruled school systems today.

They are flagging as the enemy of America.

In these degenerate times, if parents just assumed that every teacher and administrator in the public school system was a White-hating, pedophile or #groomer, socialist, one would be right often enough to make a positive difference in our children’s and our nation’s future. This is doubly true if they would finally take appropriately harsh action upon those beliefs in order to teach these filth a lesson that the survivors among them will long remember.

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