Mathematically Merry

Liberals, Progressives, and Atheists – essentially the whole cabal of anti-American and anti-Christian vermin inside America’s borders – are quite literally hell-bent on enforcing political correctness during the holiday season in the form of demanding under threat of lawfare the use of “Happy Holidays” instead of the normative “Merry Christmas.”

Well, after much work I’ve come up with the mathematical proof that they are wrong to believe and do so:

y=\frac{\log_{e}\left ( \frac{x}{m}-sa \right )}{r^2}

y{r^2}= \log_{e}\left ( \frac{x}{m}-sa \right ){e^{yr^2}} = \frac{x}{m}-sa

{me^{yr^2}} = x-msa

{me^{rry}} = x-mas

That’s right, Ladies and Gentlemen; Merry Christmas is now mathematically proven to be the scientifically correct seasonal greeting. Funny how the Left, always claiming to love math and science and always claiming American loath it, never realized this. 😉

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The Lies Of Extremists

When it comes to intersection of the Church and the State in US Law we’re saddled with a lot of religious extremism and a lot of lies and/or misconceptions based upon that extremism.

Church& State Separation Lie
The Lies Of Extremists

Yes, we Americans have to sift through a lot of lies and/or misconceptions based upon religious extremism. The Godless and their plethora of anti-Christian, anti-American Liberal and Progressive enablers spew them incessantly whenever ant mention of religion functioning outside the confines of a church arises.

Put aside the false equivalency that is almost always presented – the image above is merely a tame, washed out example thereof – because reality cannot match and make true the comparison between any group in American history and the Muslims’ Taliban. Not even the much maligned KKK came close to the Taliban’s behavior. No, put that aside for now and pay attention to the underlying dogma of America’s domestic enemies.

The lie that the Godless and their Liberal and Progressives enablers promulgate is that any expression of religious belief and law that is informed by religious sentiment, belief, or morality is inherently theocratic, repressive, and tyrannical in natural. Hence, any such expression is the same as what the Taliban do. Their dogma and doctrine makes no distinct of degree; it’s a dualistic approach and it is a lie.

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