Disney Bought Sailor Moon

If Disney Bought Sailor Moon
Disney Bought Sailor Moon

If Disney bought the rights to Sailor Moon and did a reboot, this is probably what it would look like these days… except I would assume that they’d cast a Black as Sailor Moon his/herself. 🙄

The #Wokesters running Disney into the ground just can’t seem to help themselves. It’s like they have a bet going with Netflix over which of them can fuck up more.

But, unlike the new normal for Disney, it wouldn’t be live action. Peter Dinklage would probably complain about the Sailor Venus / Krillin character’s casting… whether or not the actor was a dwarf. The little guy’s got a big chip on his shoulder, though nobody is really sure anymore over what. 😆

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Dark Side Of The Moon

Dark Side Of The Moon

The Dark Side Of The Moon
A Different Interpretation

The Dark Side Of The Moon – Sailor Moon That Is

Sailor Moon, both manga and anime, aren’t even in the top 100 of my favorites, but that doesn’t mean that I don’t enjoy some excellent and beautiful Sailor Guardian cosplay. And, insofar as I’m concerned, bonus points for their being Black babes, who are a rarity in White-Accessible cosplay venues.

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