LOL Food Porn!

Food Porn
Food Porn – So Rule 34

Oh yeah! This totally redefines food porn.

And just think, if the universe/multiverse is infinite and contains infinite possibilities, this is happening right now… somewhere. ๐Ÿ˜‰

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Rule 34 – Even Plagues

Rule 34 - Even Plagues Must Abide By It
Rule 34 – Even Plagues Must Abide By It

It’s true! Rule 34, simplified and summed up as, “There will be porn,” is universal. Even plagues like COVID-19 and our response to it must abide by it. It is, after all, something akin to Natural Law. ๐Ÿ˜‰

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Daddy Issues


Ummm… Daddy Issues?

Ahh yes; the “intersectionality” of the soft-core corollary to Rule 34 and Fathers Day. And, a jarring mix of hot and disturbing.

But that’s the thing about the internet. Memes & Tropes abound, go viral, and become embedded in society, often in ways that bear little, if any, resemblance to their original intent.

And again, Rule 34! There will be a “Sexy” [Whatever].” ๐Ÿ™„

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