Man’s Best Friend

Aptly called man’s best friend, the dog has been an invaluable helpmate to Man for thousands of years. Whether they are hunting dogs, working dogs, or companion animals, they’ve been a boon to us.

Dog Spotter - Man's Best Friend
Range Me. Good Dog, Very Good Dog πŸ˜€

It’s actually amazing just how much and what sorts of help dogs can provide their two-footed friends. We’ve worked with shepherds, pointers, retrievers, and setters…and now we have the spotter. πŸ˜†

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Dog In The Manger

People don’t like it when someone is being a “dog in the manger.” But, upon rare occasions, it’s not a bad thing at all. In fact, sometimes it just too cute πŸ˜€

Dog In The Manger
Dog In The Manger

I’m forced to wonder though if that dog is a German Shepherd or a Pointsetter. πŸ˜†

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Bed Space

Living with dogs necessarily entails a certain amount of accommodation and “negotiation.” In my case it involves just who controls the bed space and the bed covers.

For the most part I’ve been the one to come out on top in this competition.

Dog Sniper
The Covers Are Mine Because My Dope Is Good

Unfortunately, the dog has learned well and internalized the lesson of good positioning and the use of force multipliers. πŸ˜†

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Why I Drink

Seasonal depression isn’t just for bipedal people. Our four-footed family members are often effected by it as well.

Why I Drink
And This Is Why I Drink

Come on, people! What are you thinking? Do you know about the growing “catnip problem” in inner-city felines? πŸ˜†


OK; I know this can go too far. Believe me, I know. I’ve been there and done that.

Solomon Islands monkey-tailed skink (Corucia zebrata)Years and years ago, my first wife and I bred and raised, among many other species, Solomon Islands Monkey-Tailed Skinks (Corucia zebrata) and they roamed freely throughout our house.

Year one they commandeered the Christmas tree and it stayed up year-round from that point.

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