The New Keystone Kop

Watching Obama and his handlers dealing with anything is much like watching an old reel of the Keystone Kops. This is especially true when it comes to allowing business to provide jobs and energy independence.

Such things would violate the sensibilities of much of what remains of his base. Hence, the boy and his handlers spend their time scampering around trying to spike any such program or effort.

Obama Spiking Pipeling
Obama’s Never Been Much For Jobs Or Industry

Just look at the way the Campaigner-in-Chief has been doing what amounts to his best to spike the Keystone Pipeline Project without actually admitting to doing so.

Hellfire! At least the Leftist, slacker rabble of OWS admit that they’re trying to destroy America’s industrial and financial infrastructure, but then they want handouts other than votes.

Americans should be thankful that the GOP has learned a few lessons from our enemy and adopted some of Alinsky’s strategies. In this case that would be Rule 3 – “Whenever possible, go outside the expertise of the enemy,” because forcing Obama to make a public decision is forcing him well outside his area of expertise.

Jobs Pipeline
There’s A Kink In The Pipeline – It’s Named Obama

I suppose Americans should be somewhat thankful to the Gods for the fact that the boy and his handlers are so much like the Keystone Kops. They make spike projects, gum up the works with either malice or incompetency, and otherwise be a clear and present danger to America, but they’re pretty damn stupid and clumsy about doing so and are sort of funny to watch. 😆

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