Redress of Grievances

In keeping with a specific right that is enumerated in the 1st Amendment to the US Constitution, let us join together and petition the government for a redress of grievances most pernicious and vile.

Keep Obama on the golf course

In order to protect America’s national security, foreign policy interests, economy, and the basic civil liberties of the American people we, the People petition the Executive to do everything in its power to keep Obama on vacation and away from the halls of power.

Please ensure that Obama finishes his term as POTUS in a state of semi-retirement so as to minimize his negative effects upon both America’s national security and domestic tranquility

Please sign this White House Petition and share it with your fellow Americans. Let us send a message to the Obama Regime and its subjects.

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The Duffer-in-Chief

More and more of late we see, read, and here much derision and rancor directed at Obama’s preference for recreation, especially golfing, over attempting to do his job as President of the United States of America and titular leader of the Free World.

Notwithstanding the fact that there’s a lot of truth in these assertions and complaints about Obama’s lack of involvement in his job, Americans really need to just stop with these reactionary complaints about the “semi-retired” nature of Obama’s presidency.


Function: noun

Date: 1756


  1. A) a peddler especially of cheap flashy articles
    B) something counterfeit or worthless
  2. an incompetent, ineffectual, or clumsy person; especially: a mediocre golfer

As Obama is most certainly, irrespective of which specific definition you choose, a duffer, it’s best for America and the American people if the boy just stays on the golf course.

Look at what Obama has tried to accomplish during his few forays into either domestic or foreign policy and look at what the effects of those efforts has been. Based upon this evidence there is no reasonably belief that anything that the Duffer-in-Chief did would be in the best interests of the American people. Why, this being the case, would any of us want him to spend less time on the links and more time doing the job of POTUS?

Don’t encourage the boy to work. Just let him do the job he was really hired to do – being the First Black POTUS and a token of “Post-Racial” America. Anything more is a clear and present danger to our country.

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Obama’s Success

Obama E. Neuman - What, Me Worry?Many Americans believe that Obama has had few, if indeed any, meaningful successes of his own during what has been passed off as his presidency so far. Contrariwise, many Liberals have and will continue to present a laundry list of the boy’s supposed “wins.”

While the drivel spilling from the maws of the Obama Regime, its remaining cultists, and the Liberals is laughable, it’s not fair to call Obama a total failure. It’s not all bogies, double bogies, and triple bogies on Obama’s scorecard and not every success was the result of a Mulligan.

There’s one area where Obama has more than made par…

Obama’s class warfare has brought us to the point where successful people feel they have to apologize for getting it right.

Neal Boortz

Yes! Obama has been quite successful at class warfare. It is, in point of fact, the defining point of the boy’s presidency.

To be fair and to give Obama the props which are his due, as the First Black President the boy is de facto a Black Leader and Black Leaders have to dream and dream big.

The Reverend Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. dreamed of integration and equality and of a nation where Race didn’t matter. His successor, Malcolm X dreamed of a race war and the annihilation or subjugation of the Whites.

Obama Has a Dream
Obama Has A Dream

Obama’s dream is somewhere in the middle of those two and skewed a lot towards the Left, or so he and/or his handlers want people and the Liberals’ constituents to believe because it’s Obama’s first, best, and last hope of keeping his job.

Yes, Obama has been singularly successful at class warfare. The question is whether this singular success, being mere words from his bully pulpit, will be enough to gain him victory in the 2012 elections.

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Obama Created Jobs

Obama's Job Creation

Obama – I Did So Create Jobs!

Never let it be said that Obama hasn’t created jobs or that some of those jobs were actually in America.

In fact, with his and his family’s penchant for vacationing, the boy is doing his best to keep the service sector alive and above water in these troubled days when most American families are being forced to curtail their vacations. Of course all that golf and all those vacations were probably required as part of his campaign financing deal with the SEIU…

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Too Many Holes!

Golf has been a source of contention in many marriages over the years, it taking up a great deal of some men’s attention, time, money – each of which many wives feel would be better spent upon them.

Indeed, some “golf widows” would prefer their husbands to just about anything other than play golf. 😉

After an enjoyable eighteen hole of golf, a man stopped in a bar for a beer before heading home. There he struck up a conversation with a ravishing young beauty. They had a couple of drinks, liked each other, and soon she invited him over to her apartment. For two hours they made mad, passionate love.

On the way home, the man’s conscience started bothering him something awful. He loved his wife and didn’t want this unplanned indiscretion to ruin their relationship, so he decided the only thing to do was come clean.

”Honey,” he said when he got home, “I have a confession to make. After I played golf today, I stopped by the bar for a beer, met a beautiful woman, went back to her apartment and made love to her for two hours. I’m sorry, it won’t ever happen again, and I hope you’ll forgive me.”

His wife scowled at him and said, “Don’t lie to me, you sorry scumbag! You played thirty-six holes, didn’t you?”

What’s equal parts funny and sad is that I know women who, if their husband made such a confession, would respond the same way! 😯

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