But First, Coffee

But First, Coffee

Reflections From A Murky Pond’s normal, eclectic mixture of topics will continue shortly. But first, coffee! πŸ˜‰

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The Murky Pond In 2016

Since among bloggers it seems to be nigh on de rigueur to early January in do some sort of review, reprise, or recap of the previous year.

Well, far be it from me to go against the normative expectations. Hence, below are the 25 most popular posts other than the homepage in Reflections Of A Murky Pond over the course of 2016:

  1. Retro Pinups
  2. Dangerous Curves
  3. Bikes And Babes
  4. Beautiful Freedom (NSFW)
  5. Bikini Interlude 4
  6. Hot But Racist
  7. Molon Labe
  8. Coordination Is Key
  9. Sweater Meat
  10. Nicki’s Anaconda
  11. Seasonal Eating
  12. Olivia & Lucas’s Father
  13. Spring Fever
  14. Bikini Interlude 7
  15. The Good Underboobs
  16. Straight Outta Europe
  17. Bikini Interlude 12
  18. Female Leadership
  19. Fit For Lust?
  20. Lazy Fat Ugly Cows
  21. Cosplay Is Not Consent
  22. Wedding Night Jitters
  23. Three Women On A Plane
  24. Goodbye Kitty
  25. Such Power!
Not that I’m complaining in any way – traffic is, after all, traffic, but there’s an obvious trend appearing. 23 out of 25 of the top posts are in some way fundamentally prurient in nature and only one was primarily political, “Molon Labe.” πŸ˜†

Perhaps I should change the blog’s tagline from “The eclectic ramblings of jonolan” to “Come for the babes, stay for the social commentary and politics.” That might sum up the reality better.

Of course, one could easily argue that the prurient content is, in and of itself, a form of social commentary. This is even more true in Reflections From A Murky Pond since I quite often use sexually subjective images to further a point through example and/or depiction.

Again though, I’m not complaining. I’m just shaking my head a little at the current reality of the internet. After all, it is still likely that the most viewed posts on the internet are prurient in nature. They may not be “pornographic” depending upon any individual’s or groups’ definition of pornography, but they’re still quite prurient.

So there you have it – a break down of sorts of the popularity of Reflections From A Murky Pond over the course of 2016.

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Sorry For The Hiatus

jonolanSorry for the lack of post recently, folks. I’ve been in process of looking into rearranging my life a bit and it’s taken up a lot of the time I would normally have spent blogging.

I’ll be back at more regularly soon but possibly on for a while after that. At that latter point things will change dramatically.

So this blog may either go into a long – multi-year I’d guess – hiatus, end without notice, or become essentially a chronicle of my time with the Peshmerga. Or it may return to its normal format if I can’t put things together so that I can do right by both the world and my family…

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Beautiful Faces Project

Thanks to Benedikt Morschheuser’s immensely useful – to me, at least – NextGen Scroll Gallery plugin, I can now beautify Reflections From A Murky Pond with the Beautiful Faces Project I’ve been wanting to do.

NextGen ScrollGallery thumbnailNextGen ScrollGallery thumbnailNextGen ScrollGallery thumbnailNextGen ScrollGallery thumbnailNextGen ScrollGallery thumbnailNextGen ScrollGallery thumbnail

Beautiful Faces

Reflections From a Murky Pond is not by nature a pleasant place, nor was it really meant to be. I have always, and plan to continue, leavening its darker aspects with periodic interludes of beauty, most of which will be depictions of varieties of female faces and forms as they are, in my rarely humble opinion, the Gods’ finest art.

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Murky But Beautiful

Water Nymph
The Pond Is Murky But Beautiful

‘Tis but the scattered reflections from a murky pond that come from here. Yet the pond is deeper than that and, though murky, it holds within its darkling waters beauty.

So don’t be too afraid to enter it. Exert some caution though; some of the naiads are rusalky.

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