Reaching An Agreement

In an odd twist of fate, either engendered by Divine Providence or Random Chance, the extreme apocalyptic views of Religion and Science are finally in agreement.

Science & Religion Agree; the End is Near!
Repent! The End is Near!

Lo! And the seas shall boil and the skies shall burn, and the grass will be parched and a third of the trees laid waste! And this will happen at 10:00AM, twice on Saturdays!

Repent now, you sinners steeped in depravity – or a Developed Nation’s prosperity – lest God or Al Gore smite you.

I wonder how long it will be before the Warmists develop their own version of the Rapture? I suppose that will have to wait until we have better spaceflight though. šŸ˜‰

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An Inaccurate Postulate

Back in 1992 Al Gore published Earth in the Balance, which was the relatively quiet first shot in the war of Global Warming v. The Developed World. Gore followed up this work with the 2006 release of An Inconvenient Truth, which was the first real frontal offensive by the Global Warming movement against the various commercial and industrial powers of our world. Years later we are deeply entrenched in a protracted battle over this issue.

This is sad and maddening because the entire perceived – or possibly manufactured – Global Warming crisis is based on the postulate that the Earth is growing warmer and that man-made greenhouse gas emissions are the primary cause of this warming.

From Merriam-Webster Dictionary:

Pronunciation:\?pƤs-ch?-l?t, -?l?t\

Function: noun
Date: 1646


  1. a hypothesis advanced as an essential presupposition, condition, or premise of a train of reasoning

The adherents Global Warming have based their whole platform of radical change on a hypothesis. Worse they continue to base their actions on this hypothesis even though what evidence they had to support it was always in contention and has later been countered by later evidence that they discovered themselves. Personally, I would describe that as an wildly inaccurate postulate from which to continue to propose an agenda.

We don’t actually have any proof that the planet is warming at all. Much of the earlier evidence that supported that hypothesis has since been called into question.

The Global Warming adherents are still clinging to the science of the last decade, which has been called into question by later findings. That is both foolish and poor science. The closest they seem to have come to altering their hypothesis to fit with the changing available facts is to rebrand Global Warming as Climate Change.

I’m am not saying that the Earth’s climate isn’t changing, nor am I saying it isn’t growing warmer. I am saying that it isn’t proven by any means to be doing so. I think more research has to be done. I certainly think though that people shouldn’t be taking drastic, society changing actions to curb Global Warming until it is somewhat more rational to believe it’s happening; a less emotional satisfying but more reasoned approach seems to be called for.

On the other hand, none of the contrary evidence is significant enough to complete refute the hypothesis of Global Warming or Climate Change. Perhaps the Earth is growing warmer – but is mankind’s greenhouse gas emissions the primary culprit? The followers of Al Gore describe it as Anthropogenic Global Warming and would certainly have you believe so.Ā  Sadly for them, this is also a postulate that multi-disciplined evidence questions.

So, in the face of contradictory evidence what should people do? Should we really overturn the industries and whole societies of the Developed World because of an innacurate postulate, or should we approach it with all due caution and not loose sight of issues beyond CO2 emissions?

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Some people cannot seem to learn and apparently Al Gore is one of them. This would be even more funny if it wasn’t so pathetic.

Al Gore sues Time Magazine for recount of 2007 man of the Year election

Courtesy of Indianapolis Star – Gary Varvel – December 19, 2007

Apparently former Vice President Al Gore has filed numerous lawsuits against Time magazine, alleging a series of voting irregularities they maintain deprived Gore of Timeā€™s ā€œPerson of the Yearā€ Award. It has been announced that Russian President Vladimir Putin received the 2007 award, with Gore finishing second. Al Gore is in court once again demanding a recount.

ā€œMr. Gore has won an Emmy and an Oscar for his important work, not to mention a Nobel Peace Prize,ā€ said a spokesman for the Vice President. ā€œThey donā€™t even have an Oscar ceremony in Russia. Who ever sees Russian films anyway?ā€

One of Gore’s suits accuses certain unnamed Time employees of denying others the right to vote when it was determined they were leaning toward Gore. Another suit claims the “Person of the Year” voting process is far too complicated to be understood by, to quote the lawsuit, ā€œa bunch of journalists.ā€ Goreā€™s lawyers are calling for a recount of the ballots in question.

One close advisor, requesting anonymity, claimed, ā€œPutin is just the kind of civil-rights-trampling dictator the GOP loves to see in power. It would be interesting to sit down with those who voted and find out just how many have been subjected to Guantanamo-like coercion. Republicans knew Bush wouldnā€™t win, so this was the next best thing.ā€


This post is taken from from Pat Sajak’s satire of a possible reaction by Al Gore to Vladimir Putin winning the 2007 “Person of the Year” award.

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Gore Bashes US

On December 13, 2007, former US Vice-President Al Gore spoke at the UN Climate Conference in Bali. Once again Mr. Gore chose to attack his home country.

I am not an official and I am not bound by diplomatic niceties. So I am going to speak an inconvenient truth: my own country, the United States, is principally responsible for obstructing progress here in Bali

— Al Gore
At the UN Climate Conference

I suppose this is no surprise; Al Gore’s primary shtick is bashing the US. It is sadly also unsurprising that Mr. Gore is once again ignoring some truly inconvenient facts about the usefulness of the Kyoto Protocol:

It would seem reasonable to think that the signatory nations would be doing a better job of curtailing carbon emissions. It would also seem reasonable to think that the US, who won’t even ratify the Kyoto Protocol, would keep emitting CO2 at growth levels much higher than those signatory nations. It would be fallacious to think so.

Data on CO2 emission levels per nation are available from the U.S. Census Bureau. By comparing numbers from 1997 (the year the Kyoto Protocol was agreed upon) and 2004 (the latest year data is available for) we can arrive at the following statistics:

  • Emissions worldwide increased 18.0%.
  • Emissions from signatory nations increased 21.1%.
  • Emissions from non-signatory nations increased 10.0%.
  • Emissions from the United States increased 6.6%.

In point of fact United States’ CO2 emissions grew slower than those of over 75% of the Kyoto Protocol’s signatory nations.The Kyoto Protocol isn’t working – except as a vehicle for Al Gore’s ego.

One possible piece of good news for the world is that the Bali talks were aimed at launching negotiations to replace the Kyoto Protocol which expires in 2012. Hopefully something will be put into place that works this time. Perhaps the UN could start by stripping China and India of their supposed Emerging Nation statuses and applying the Protocol them as well.

  • Emission increased from China 55%
  • Emission increased from India 27%

Since the fact that these two up and coming commercial and industrial powerhouses wouldn’t be bound by the Kyoto Protocol due to their Emerging Nation status was one of the major reasons for the US’ refusal to ratify the treaty, perhaps that should be the first correction.

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Stripping Greenwash

Al Gore’s Greenwash is stripped away as repeated note of his energy hogging, extravagant lifestyle is taken. Hereā€™s an excerpt from an article on Green Hypocrisy:

While the former veep and nouveau-$100 millionaire jets around the world squawking about the ā€œplanet having a feverā€ and demanding that we all lower our standard of living, his own personal electricity use is 20 times the national average, including an indoor pool costing $500/month to heat.

While Gore deflected criticism of his inconvenient electric bill during March congressional testimony by saying he purchased ā€œgreenā€ electricity, the truth is, he didnā€™t start doing so until 2007.

Is it just me, or does Al Gore strike anyone else as someone who may “talk the talk“, but who is completely unwilling to “walk the walk” – all the while stridently demanding that the rest of us, who have fewer resources the he does, do so in his stead?

I’m not going to discuss Global Warming in this post because it’s secondary to the point of Al Gore’s hypocrisy. Let’s suppose though that Global Warming is terribly real. Let us also, for the sake of this particular discussion, suppose that human actions are the primary cause of Global Warming. Is a grandstanding hypocrite really the icon people should want for the issue? Think about it.

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