Hands Up! Don’t Shoot!
As America braces itself for yet another round of race riots, looting, and generalized feral behavior from the ghetto thugs in Ferguson, MO and the greater St. Louis area, it behooves the more civilized members of the nation to act as the vermin’s keepers and overseers. Hence, here’s a suggestion for reworking their battle chant of, “Hands Up! Don’t Shoot!”
At least for the women involved this is probably the best way of joining into this sort of frenzy. One, the police are far from likely to shoot a woman such dishabille and position. Two, the hand bra, with its underboob and sideboob presentation is sure to garner them the level of attention their craving. And three, this sort of display is likely to increase the otherwise deservedly lacking level of sympathy towards these race-baiting rioters, looters, and grievance-mongers. 😉
Tags: America | Babes | Blacks | Breasts | Darren Wilson | Ferguson | Ghetto Thugs | Humor | Looters | Looting | Michael Brown | Missouri | Politics | Protests | Riots | Sarcasm | Sideboobs | Society | St. Louis | Underboobs | Vermin