Exceptional Hypocrisy
The current hysterical attempt by America’s domestic enemies – the Liberals and Progressives and their front agency, the Democrat Party – to overturn the 2016 elections or, if that won’t succeed, to catastrophically undermine the incoming POTUS, Donald Trump, is centered upon Russia “having hacked the election” and ” impacted the integrity of our election.”
It Was The Russians!
For the sake of argument, let us ignore the lack of evidence that Russia as a state actor was involved in the hacking. Let us give them the hand-out of that postulate so that we can focus on something more important than their tantrums and straw-clutching.
This is exceptional hypocrisy on their part – truly, horrifically, and irredeemably exceptional hypocrisy.
They’re complaining and driving America towards civil war – and no! that’s not hyperbole – because the Russians supposedly cost Hillary the election. This is hypocritical in the extreme because both the Obama Regime and they, themselves have inserted themselves into other nation’s elections and governments in order to affect a regime change.
And no! In the context of the Obama Regime I’m not speaking of interfering in Israel’s recent election in an attempt to oust Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu. That just isn’t plausible given the timing involved – not unless the CIA is actually better than Mossad. On the other hand, these same Liberals and Progressives were funding that effort.
No. I’m speaking of Iran’s Green Revolution and the so-called Arab Spring, both cases of the Obama Regime using propaganda, the release of information or threat thereof, and direct financial efforts to effect the outcome of elections or to oust existing government. All of these efforts fully endorsed and aided by the Leftists who are now screaming because somebody supposedly did the same thing to us.
In all fairness, wouldn’t this be our chickens coming home to roost? Or are these Liberals and Progressives tacitly admitting that the US is supposed to by somehow exceptional and exempt from being on the receiving end of what we do to other nations?
Tags: 2016 Elections | America | Civil War | Clinton | Corruption | Democrats | DNC | Elections | Geopolitics | Hillary | Hypocrisy | Hysteria | Insurrection | Liberals | Lies | Politics | Progressives | Regime Change | Russia | Trump