Sooth! 'Tis Halloween

Halloween, Not Christmas
Sooth! ‘Tis Halloween, Not Christmas

Sooth! ‘Tis Halloween, not Christmas. So kick the fat boy, his music and jingles, and all the shopping ads back into the oubliette until at least November 25th.

This is the spooky, sexy, candy-laden time of year, not the cozy gift-giving time. And, the colors of the season are black and orange, not red and green. The only ads we should be forced to endure are for candy and booze!

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Halloween Cometh!

Halloween, Not Christmas
Halloween Cometh! Back In Your Hole!

Yay and verily, Halloween cometh, not Christmas! The fat man and his advertisements for the yearly shopping frenzy need to be kicked back into the hole of time where they still belong.

Sexy, spooky babes; sweet, sweet confectionery treats; and enough spirits to float your soul. That is Halloween, which cometh nigh.

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I Said It's Halloween

Halloween, Not Christmas
I Said It’s Halloween

I said it’s Halloween, not Christmas! It’s not even Thanksgiving yet. Get back in your hole and take your music and advertisements with you, fat boy!

I said it’s Halloween! And we will hold true to the beautiful fact that this is the spooky, sexy, candy-laden time of year, and the colors of the season are still black and orange, not red and green.

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Halloween Approaches

Halloween, Not Christmas
Halloween Approaches. Christmas Is Nowhere In Sight

‘Tis Halloween that approaches, not Christmas. Christmas isn’t even on the horizon yet. So back in your hole!

This is the season of black and orange, not red and green. It’s the sexy, spooky, candy and booze laden season. Go back to waiting for after Thanksgiving before inundating us with the retail season.

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Halloween, Not Christmas

Halloween, Not Christmas
It’s Halloween, Not Christmas

It’s Halloween, not Christmas! It’s not even Thanksgiving yet. Get back in your hole and take your music and advertisements with you, fat boy!

Thanks to 300, we can now succinctly, and dare I say laconically, state our displeasure with the Christmas Season creeping further and further towards Labor Day. We can also hold true to the beautiful fact that this is still the spooky, sexy, candy-laden time of year, and the colors of the season are still black and orange, not red and green.

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