Slashes Explained
Whether it’s grammar and punctuation or coding and scripting, you need to able to tell the difference between- and the proper uses for forward slash and back slash. Make sure you get them right! 😆
Tags: Coding | Humor | Language & Idiom | Punctuation | Scripting
Facebook Integration
Facebook Integration
Reflections From A Murky Pond is now integrated with Facebook.
Readers can now log into this blog with their Facebook account and can publish their comments on their Facebook profiles as well as on Reflections From A Murky Pond, if they so wish.
Facebook users’, when logged in, will also now display their Facebook profile picture with their comments instead of either their Gravatar or the blog’s default commenter image.
I have also – with the great help of the WordPress plug-in, WPBook – created a Facebook Application that allows bidirectional integration and synchronization between Reflections From A Murky Pond and Facebook. Now both posts and comments from the blog will show up in the application on Facebook and comments made within the Facebook application ( will also appear in the blog itself.
The application creates a small box in the Facebook users’ profiles that presents the headlines for Reflections From A Murky Pond’s five(5) most recent posts.
Application Widget Screenshot
Clicking on any of the headlines will take the Facebook users to the full application where they can view the post and its comments, and also comment themselves if they so choose.
I’m hoping that this will facilitate a greater reach for the blog and an easier means of communication and commenting since so many of us are on Facebook these days.
Tags: Blogging | Coding | Facebook | Social Media
The Bourne Solution
😆 We’ve all learned by now that you can do almost anything faster, easier and better with computers. Perhaps the War on Terror can be approached the same way. Of course, you’ll need need to understand the Unix command line and shell scripting to achieve the best results…
One of my wives, Eve aka jmochagrrl, sent me this solution to the US’ ongoing war on terror and terrorism, specifically the dangers arising out of the Middle-east.
The War On Terror
As viewed from the Bourne shell
$ cd /middle_east
$ ls
Afghanistan Iraq Libya Saudi_Arabia UAE
Algeria Israel Morocco Sudan Yemen
Bahrain Jordan Oman Syria
Egypt Kuwait Palestine Tunisia
Iran Lebanon Qatar Turkey$ cd Afghanistan
$ ls
bin Taliban
$ rm Taliban
rm: Taliban is a directory
$ cd Taliban
$ ls
$ rm soldiers
$ cd ..
$ rmdir Taliban
rmdir: directory “Taliban”: Directory not empty
$ cd Taliban
$ ls -a
. .. .insurgents
$ chown -R USA .*
chown: .insurgents: Not owner
$ cd ..
$ su
Password: *******
# mv Taliban /tmp
# exit
$ ls
$ cd bin
$ ls
$ cd ..
$ rm -r bin/laden
bin/laden: No such file or directory
$ find / -name laden
$ su
Password: *******
# mv bin /tmp
# exit
$ pwd
$ cd /opt/UN
$ ln -s /Bad_Guys/Al_Qaeda /middle_east/Iraq/.
ln: cannot create /middle_east/Iraq/Al_Qaeda:
Permission denied
$ su
# ln -s /Bad_Guys/Al_Qaeda /middle_east/Iraq/.
# cd /middle_east/Iraq/Al_Qaeda
Al_Qaeda: does not exist
# rm /middle_east/Iraq/Al_Qaeda
# mkfile 100g /middle_east/Iraq/Al_Qaeda
mkfile: No space left on device
# rm /middle_east/Iraq/Al_Qaeda
# cd /opt/Coalition/Willing
# mkfile 1b /middle_east/Iraq/Al_Qaeda
# chown -R USA:Proof /middle_east/Iraq/Al_Qaeda
$ cd /middle_east/Iraq
$ ls
$ ls
$ ls
$ ls -a
. .. saddam
$ find / -name [Ww][Mm][Dd]
$ wall Propaganda.txt
Broadcast Message from USA (pts/1) on USS_Abraham_Lincoln Th May 1st
Mission Accomplished!
$ rm saddam
saddam: No such file or directory
$ find / -name saddam
$ wall NewsWorthy.txt
Broadcast Message from USA (pts/1) on Time.Magazine Sat Dec 13
We Got Him!
$ mv /var/opt/dictators/spiderhole/saddam /opt/jail
$ cd /opt/USA
$ cp -Rp Democracy /middle_east/Iraq
$ cd /middle_east/Iraq/Democracy
$ ./install
Install Error: Install failed. See install_log for details.
$ more install_log
Installed failed!
Prerequisite packages missing
Conflicting package Wahhabism found in /midde_east/Saudi_Arabia
Packages Church and State must be installed separately
File System /PeakOil nearing capacity
Please read the install guide to properly plan your installation.
Eve got this from The S Word Blog over at Sun Microsystems.
Of course there are still some issues with the “operating system” used in the above example; as has been pointed out, everything in /bin should be “executable.”
Also note that this must be done from the Bourne shell. Using the slowly deprecated Bourne Again shell ($bash) will accomplish the goals faster, but may result in the destruction of all files in /middle-east.
Tags: Al-Qaeda | Coding | Humor | Iraq | Osama Bin Laden | Politics | Taliban | Technology | Unix | War On Terror