We’re Proud Of You

We’re Proud Of You, Bi Girls

Really! You’ve got to hand it to bisexual girls. Even though they’re the most despised by other sorts of LGBTQ+ types, they just keep on going, largely ignoring the ongoing opprobrium of the less normal and commensurately more strident sorts in the queer community.

You’ve Nothing To Be Ashamed Of At All

It’s so bad that they actually had to make Bisexual Awareness Week to provide them their own “safe space” and to call attention to their actual, separate existence. But, these babes just keep going on about their love lives, largely just shrugging over the loathing, hatred, and alienation they receive from the Pride freaks.

I truly believe that the queers invented the term and sub-group, Pansexuals, just to differentiate between normal bisexual women – and their normalcy is a large part of why the various varieties queers dislike them – and the “appropriately” freakish, outre, and offensive ones.

In Point Of Fact, We Like You

But straight and bisexual men like bi girls. Most of us actually prefer them to straight girls, if only slightly in most of our cases.

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Bi Girls Month 11

Celebrating Bi Girls

Bi girls for The Win-Win

Well, we’re wrapping up Bi Girl Month, this being the last day of September. I hope you’ve enjoyed it, just as I hope you will consider providing a safe space for one or more of them. ๐Ÿ˜‰

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Bi Girls Month 10

Still Celebrating Bi Girls Month

Yes, despite an ongoing attack of life, Reflections From A Murky Pond is still celebrating Bi Girls Month. It’s an effort to increase their visibility. ๐Ÿ˜‰

And yes, I specifically said visibility. We accepted them long, long, long ago and large swaths of the LGBTQ+ “community” – especially the lesbians – rejected or marginalized them an equally long time ago, and I don’t really see either our acceptance or their spite changing anytime soon.

So really! Enjoy. But, please do remember that bisexual girls may need our support in these troubled times and that it just might be in everyone’s best interests to provide them with “safe spaces” in which they can live their lives as they wish to away from the opprobrium they subjected to by those who supposedly are their allies.

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Bi Girls Month 9

Celebrating Bi Girls Month

In my ever so rarely humble opinion, just having bi girls around the house is both cause for- and an act of celebrating them. It also make Bi Girls Month hit home as it were. ๐Ÿ˜‰

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Bi Girls Month 8

Celebrating Bi Girls Month

Bi Girls are the best girls, so let’s keep celebrating them and showing them that we love them even though their own “community” doesn’t particularly do so.

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