Self-Defense For Women
It’s a well-known and accepted fact that, at some point in one’s life, they’re going to be in harm’s way. It’s also similarly axiomatic that the police won’t be there to protect them – it’s not really they’re job to do so after all. Therefor self-defense is a skill that everyone needs to learn.
This can, does, and will cause problems for women. Size, strength, cultural indoctrination, and the law’s unconstitutional undermining of basic 2nd Amendment rights force women into a vulnerable position when it comes to protecting themselves from an attacker.
The solution is for women to think outside the box when in comes to self-defense.
(Click to Enlarge)
As is illustrated, it is easy for any women to drive off a larger and stronger male aggressor. All the women has to do is force the man to either make a “high commitment” move or disengage. The man will almost always choose disengagement. 😆
December 29th, 2011 at 10:28 am
My box came with the ammo…
December 29th, 2011 at 11:52 am
*smirk* One could take that statement in a number of ways, Sara.