The #FreePalestine Question
For every important question, especially those about how to handle domestic enemies when they’re rioting and suchlike in support of enemies of the one’s nation, there is a solution. Remember though, if the enacted solution isn’t Final, it’s just a stopgap and one that might make the problem more extreme.
Hence, in my rarely humble opinion, the best means of solving for the genocidal, #FreePalestine terrorists is the deployment of MQ-1 Predator and/or MQ-9 Reaper (Predator B) armed with AGM-114N thermobaric Hellfire missiles and/or CBU-100 Rockeye cluster bombs.
For those who know – Yes, I’m aware that there’s no evidence that the MQ-1 or MQ-9 have been equipped with CBUs. It should, however, be an easy task to do so.
Again, for every Question there is a Solution. One just has to have the conviction and the will to find and use it. To do otherwise to allow the question to fester, spread like rot, and require even greater efforts to solve for.
Tags: #FreePalestine | America | Civil War | Democrats | Dhimmis | Domestic Enemies | Domestic Terrorists | Genocide | Hamas | Israel | Liberals | National Security | Politics | Progressives | Purification | Society | Vermin