Those Damn Jews!
Those damn Jews! They’ve and killed more innocent Palestinians in the Gaza Strip. Something needs to be done to finally answer the question of their existence.
This Is How Hamas Fights
It doesn’t matter that the Muslim vermin of Hamas regularly use their own females and young as shields when they launch their attacks against the men, women, and children of Israel. It’s those filthy kikes’ fault that “civilian” Palestinians get killed in Gaza in the course of Israel defending itself and its people.
That, at least, is the what the MSM is always saying and what the Liberals and Progressives are always eager to believe and repeat.
Liberalism = Antisemitism = Just Cause
Americans need to accept that the Liberals and Progressives, egged on by the lamestream media, until the Jews of Israel are exterminated or, at the very least, driven into sea and into various camps by the Muslims who have been seeking to do just that since 1948. Americans need to accept that and act accordingly.
If we, the People do not accept this and do not act accordingly, we will be complicit in this second Holocaust. If we continue to allow the antisemitic Left to influence American politics and foreign policy in any manner, the blood of all those Jews in Israel will be on our hands.
Tags: America | Antisemitism | Bellum Iustum | Civil War | Crusade | Foreign Policy | Gaza | Genocide | Hamas | Islam | Islamism | Islamists | Israel | Jews | Jihad | Justice | Liberals | Media Bias | MSM | Muslims | Palestine | Progressives | Terrorism | Terrorists | Vermin | War